Chapter 7 ~Resurrection~

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•Klaus's POV•

After Nellie died I couldn't stay in Mystic Falls knowing that she would be buried there. I went home and packed and left for New Orleans in 10 minutes of her being dead. It took me about 2 days to drive there and I instantly went to Gloria's Bar.

"Gloria!" I yelled as I walked in. A few seconds later she walked out of the back room with a smirk. "Niklaus" I nodded and walked closer to the bar.
"What brings you here?" Gloria asked.

"I need you to come back to Mystic Falls with me in 3 days time." I told her. She looked at me questioningly.
"For what?" She said smirking.

"Nellie Salvatore is dead and I need you to bring her back." I said painfully. She smiled and nodded. "Give me 10 minutes to pack then we can leave." She said as she walked to the back room.

I felt a presence behind me and turned around. I started tearing up as I saw Nellie standing there smiling at me. I walked towards her to hug her but as I wrapped my arms around her she disappeared into dust. "NO!" I yelled.

"Everything ok out here?" Gloria asked as she walked out of the back room with 2 bags. I nodded "let's go..." I said as I started walking out of the bar as she followed.

*Skipping Car Ride To Mystic Falls*

"Where's the girl?" Gloria asked as we walked into the Salvatore Boarding house. "In the basement..." I trailed off while walking to the door. I motioned her to follow me as I walked down the stairs.

As we reached the bottom step I could tell something was wrong. I ran to the room Nellie's body was in and the coffin was open with no body. I ran to the coffin and saw her flowers that I gave her scattered around.

"She's not here... Someone took a dead girls body..." I said sadly. "If she's dead for more than a week that spell won't work." Gloria said. I nodded, "I'll just have to hunt down who took her and rip their head off... With my teeth."

*Damon's POV*

I was about 5 minutes away from the border of New Orleans when I got a phone call from Klaus. I picked during my phone and pressed answer.

D- What do you want?

K- Where's Nellie's body? I've called everyone and they don't know so I decided to call you.

D- It's with me, I'm driving to New Orleans to get Gloria to resurrect her.

K- Well GLORIA and I are in Mystic Falls with no body to resurrect and there is no Gloria in New Orleans.

D- GOD DAMNIT! I'm 3 minutes away, I'm gonna stop and get something to eat then I'll turn around and come back.

K- We have 3 days until any spells won't work.

D- Okay okay, I'll hurry up.


(Spoiler alert! So as I write this chapter I'm watching the Lion King and it's right at the point when Mufasa died and I started bawling.)

"God damnit!" I yelled while slamming my foot on the gas. I looked over at Nellie who was sitting in the passengers seat dead. How could I be so stupid? Why the hell did I walk away when she was dying?

I passed the border into New Orleans and I heard gasping and a heart beating. I looked to my right and saw Nellie alive and breathing. "What the hell happened?" She asked.

I chuckled, "Welcome back from the dead sister." She gawked at me. "Your kidding, right?" She said slowly. I shook my head, "sadly no..."

She sat back, "why are we in New Orleans?" She asked. I shook my head, "I was going to have you resurrected but I guess that plans out the window. But now we are going to get something to eat." I answered. She licked her lips and veins appeared under her eyes but then receded right away.

"You okay?" I asked her. She started freaking out and I heard a heartbeat going super fast. "Oh my god! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I yelled. She laughed, "Just change me back Damon." She said.

I nodded, "Will do..." I bit my wrist and shoved it in her mouth, "Drink up little sis." I said. She shook her head, "At least let me have a child." She said. I sighed, then nodded. "Fine."

•Nellie's POV•

I'm human again! Now I can have a child... I'm so happy. Damon is out getting a snack right now so I decided to grab his phone and call Klaus.


N- Klaus?

K- Nellie?

N- Hi...

K- Is this really you?

N- Yeah...

K- Where are you!?

N- Sitting in Damon's car in New Orleans.

K- I'm coming there.


K- What?

N- I'm... I'm human again...

K- really?

N- Yes, you are still Alive right? Like you can have kids?

K- Um I guess why?

N- Just wondering.

K- Ok?

N- Listen, we'll be back in a few hours. I love you...

K- I love you too...


Damon sat down in the drivers seat while wiping his mouth. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he sped off.

[sorry for all the time skips!]

*Mystic Falls*

I got out of the car and ran in the house to see the whole gang. I smiled and ran straight to Klaus while jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him.

"I missed you..." He said.

"I missed you too..." I said.

I jumped down and ran to Stephan, "Hi bro." I said while hugging him. He hugged me tighter.

"OW!" I yelled when it got too tight.

Everyone looked at me wide eyed, even Damon. I looked down biting my cheeks. "Surprise?" I said weakly. They're jaws all dropped. I sighed and sat down on Klaus' lap.

"Um... What?" Caroline said. I looked down and mumbled 'I'm human again...' And looked back up with everyone shocked. "GOD STOP STARING!" I yelled. They looked away.

I grabbed Klaus' hand and pulled him up, geez it's hard to breathe. I started getting pains in my lungs and dropped to my knees. I started getting dizzy and my vision was blurred.

I here everyone's panicked voices but before everything turns black I hear Klaus say "Don't leave me Nellie... I need you."

So this was interesting to write.

As I started writing I didn't realize that Klaus and Damon were swip swapping places. But I fixed it!

It took me a while to write this but eh, at least it's an update!

QOTD: Should Nellie have a child? If so who with?

AOTD: I want her to with Niklaus but it's up to you guys!

Peace out


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