Epilogue ~The End~

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~~3rd person view~~

As Damon leaves his comatose states sister's bedside he wipes tear from his cheeks. He knew this would be the last time her saw her for a long time. He grabs his suitcase by the front door and turns around, only to be met with his younger brother. "Stefan, I'm sorry but I can't stay here. I told you this." Damon says reaching for the door knob.

"Oh, I know. I just thought you wouldn't ditch your only family left right after you lose someone else." Stefan replies back walking away. Damon sighs and opens the door, stepping outside and driving away.


Klaus sits in his art room, drinking and painting. Ever since Nellie went into a coma he lived here. Bodies being delivered, beer brought to the door, and canvas' strewn all over. Every painting is of Nellie, beautiful as ever. No one has stepped foot in the room since Klaus got there either.

He takes a sip of the whiskey in his hand as he paints the last stroke of another painting of his wife. "Klaus! I'm leaving!" Elijah yells from the front foyer. Klaus opens the door and steps out for the first time, walking to see his brother.

He hugs him tightly and then speeds back into the room, locking the door again. It wasn't fair, his wife, dead. On their wedding day. He grunts as he throws the glass at the wall, it shattering everywhere.


Sadie and Sebastian left after their mother killed Kayla. They couldn't stand to live in fear. They were camped out in New Jersey when they got a call from Stefan, telling them their mother was killed.

Sadie ran, far. Sebastian couldn't find her so he went wandering on his own in the world. He rescued Adeline from the house and brought her along. They found out that she's part werewolf, him being part human. She ended up getting pregnant.


The Mikaelson family split up after Nellie's death. Blaming each other for not knowing Kai was there. Rebecca went to Italy. Elijah to Japan. Kol to Australia. Finn, dead.


Kayla stayed in Mystic Falls with Nellie. She had hope, hope that she would wake up. She waited everyday, by her side for her brown eyes to open and her to take in a breath. It never happened.


Kai knew what he did was for a purpose. He knew that no one would find out. He knew no one would know that in order for Nellie to wake up... Sadie needed to die.



Here's the epilogue....

I'm kind of sad....

But the Sequel will hopefully be up soon.



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