Chapter 3 ~Break-up and move on~

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•Nellie's POV•

After Damon and Stefan got rid of Alex's body we went over to Elena's house.

To be honest her brother is SUPER HOT!

His names Jeremy, isn't that dreamy?
I know I may seem badass but you gotta admit, badass mean people can get soft sometimes... I think.

We were sitting on the couch talking about my adventures and we were smiling and it was romantic from what I know.

He started leaning in and I did too.
After a few seconds our lips met and there were fireworks in my stomach.

He put his hands around my waist and I put my arms around his neck.
It was getting heated. He laid me on my back on the couch and straddled me. All of a sudden we heard a lot of giggles and someone cleared their throat.

"Mind not eating my sisters face off Jeremy?" Stefan spoke.

I turned as red as a cherry and hid my face in a pillow. I looked up at them after a few seconds and saw Bonnie storm off. I got up and followed her. 

"Bonnie! Wait!" I yelled.

"Why? You were just making out with my boyfriend!" She yelled back.

"I di-" I was cut off by my oxygen getting cut off. I fell to my knees and tried hard to get breath in my lungs. I was now laying on my back about to lose consciousness when Damon ran out with everyone.

"Bonnie stop! You're gonna kill her!" Jeremy yelled.

She shook her head no and kept going.
Tyler tackled Bonnie and I could finally breathe.
I started coughing and all that came out was blood. That doesn't look good.

I looked up at Damon with blood coming out of my mouth.

"Oh my god!" He yelled "What's happening? NELLIE! Oh god please no!" Damon yelled while putting me in his lap and I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

All of a sudden my body started to burn.
I screamed at the top of my lungs and I jumped off his lap and was on all four as I felt my bones crack.
"Help!" I cried out and I laid down and couldn't help but scream in pain as Tyler stared at me in shock.

"Get her inside and chain her up! She's a hybrid!" Tyler yelled.

Stefan ran to me picking me up and bringing me to The boarding house in seconds. He brought me to the cell and chained up my limbs.

"Stefan help me!" I yelled while bawling my eyes out.

"I'm sorry Nellie, I can't." Stefan said a tear rolling down his cheek.

I continued to cry out in pain and after an hour I felt my spine crack and I screamed so loud I swear the whole world heard it. I took my clothes off because it started getting really hot and I loved this out fit so...

I looked at my hands and there were claws and my fingers were all weird looking. I felt all my bones cracked and closed my eyes. When I opened them everything was red and I had a snout. What the fuck...

•Jeremy's POV•

Everyone left to go to Stefan and Damon's house after Nellie almost died and started shifting.

We decided to sleepover there too, just to comfort her after tonight. I could help but not let a tear slip when I heard her scream for the fifth time. I wiped it away before anyone saw it.

"I feel bad for her." Tyler said "I've been through that and it is not fun." He chuckled at the end.

"I don't feel bad at all, Karma's a bitch and she was after Nellie after she made-out with my boyfriend..." Bonnie trailed off.

"You know what Bonnie? We're done. I'm sick of you being a snob all the time and not caring about anyone else." I yelled. I got up and went down the stairs. As I was walking down them I heard a loud ear splitting scream come from Nellie.

I stopped dead in my tracks once I heard a growl. "GUYS!" I yelled. I heard her banging against the door wanting to get out. I ran up the stairs and into the living room. They all stared at me. "She shifted." I said with wide eyes.

(Sorry for switching POV's so much!)

•Nellie's POV•

I was throwing my body at the door trying to get out. I got bored so I laid down on the ground and fell asleep.


I woke up still in the cell but in my human form... Naked.

I quickly threw my clothes back on and banged on the door. "Hello!?" I yelled.
"Hello!? Damon? Stefan? Jeremy? Tyler!?" I yelled for the guys because the girls probably hate me after the Kiss.

I strained my hearing to the house. I could hear breathing and heartbeats but they were sleeping. "ASSHOLES!" I screamed as loud as I could. Then a few minutes later I heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Nellie?" I heard a girl speak.

"Um, can I come out?" I asked pissed off at the moment.

"Uh, yeah." I saw a blonde head come in front of the bars and opened the door.

"Thanks Caroline." I said hugging her.
"I was so scared last night. I didn't know what was happening..." I started to cry in her arms.

"It'll be okay Nellie. I don't think you have to turn anymore, even in full moons. We found out your rare. Your multiple things, we just don't know them." She spoke softly while running my back.

I let out a sob and fell to the floor and just curled in a ball. She went upstairs leaving me there on the floor. Seconds later Jeremy came down and ran to me. "Hey hey hey. Shhh. It's going to be okay." He whispered in my ear. I sat cuddled into his side and a few minutes later I stopped crying. "Thanks." I spoke to him.

"I'll always be here, I'll always be a shoulder to cry on." He told me with a small smile. I leaned in and he did too. We touched lips and the fireworks were still there. We stood up and walked into the cell and he laid me down on the bed. It started getting heated like the first time and he started to tug at my shirts hem.

I sat up and took it off revealing my black Lacey bra. I smiled into the kiss and he took his shirt off too. He started kissing down my neck and hit my sweet spot and I moaned. He started sucking on it and left a hickey. All of a sudden I heard the click of heels and stopped kissing him. I put my shirt on quickly and fixed my hair, same with Jeremy.

When I heard the clicks getting closer I started to fake cry and sob into Jeremy's side and he got the hint. He started rubbing my back and 'shhh'ing me. When the person walked I tot he room I looked up.


As Katherine stood there smirking my jaw was dropped to the floor.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I screamed at her.

"Didn't Stefan and Damon tell you?" She asked all innocent.

"No... They didn't." I said softly.

"I'm here to collect what's mine...

You." She laughed.

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