Chapter 20 ~Death and Destruction~

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A/N: Not edited because I'm lazy af again.

•Nellie's POV•

We went to check on Sebastian in the food court when we couldn't find him. I start freaking out because his bags and food are still at the table but his food is spilled all over. I speed outside to look for him, following his scent. I find him and the girl standing by a door and her sucking his blood.

I run up to her and push her off him, "Stay away from my son!" I yell snapping her neck. Sebastian is laying on the ground passed out and I bite my wrist and push it in his mouth. He starts sucking my blood and wakes up, jumping to his feet and almost falling over. "What happened?" He asks. I sigh and point at the girl, "She happened." I say standing up and dragging her to my car.

I throw her in the trunk after tying her up with vervain ropes. Since I'm a hybrid nothing affects me. I then get in the car, calling my favorite person at the moment. "Hello?" His British voice rings through my phone. "Elijah, we have a visitor coming. Get the torture room ready." I say to him. He sighs, "I guess I'll have to. See you in a bit?" He asks.

I nod, "Yes. We're on our way right now." I tell him. "Ok, love you." He says. "I love you too." I tell him hanging up. I make sure the kids got in and we head back to Mystic Falls, the one place I don't want to go. I speed there, hoping to get the girl inside before she wakes up.

After about 30 minutes, and 4 speeding tickets we get there. I speed to the trunk and open it, pick there still unconscious girl inside. "Woah woah woah... That's Adeline Grey." Kol says. "And?" I ask dragging her into a room. "I knew her, that's all." Kol says shrugging. "You like the little vampire don't you?" I ask him, dropping her to the floor in the process.

"Be careful!" He yells running to her, cradling her head in his lap and stroking her hair. I chuckle and grab the chains. Wrapping them around her wrists and hanging them on the ceiling. I pull her up and leave her feet barely touching the floor. "I can't see her like this." Kol says walking out. I leave the room after putting a vervain soaked cloth on her mouth, blocking her from talking or breathing.

I walk upstairs to my room to put away the clothes and stuff I bought. Elijah walks in my room and hugs me, kissing the top of my head. We have a brother sister relationship, we're really close now. "Don't you ever leave again without saying goodbye." He says. I feel something wet drop into my head. I pull back and wipe his tears, "Then don't cry." I say smiling at him.

He leans into my hand and I hug him again. "I planned a dinner for tonight. Dress nice and come downstairs at 5." He says walking to my door. I nod and walk into my closet. I pick out a black dress and red heels, laying them out on my bed. I go into my bathroom and hop in the shower.

I shave and do all that stuff then step out. I walk into my room to see Klaus sitting on my bed, holding a ring. "What do you want?" I ask sternly. He looks up and I see tears in his eyes. "Look... I know things haven't been good between us lately and I want to apologize. This was the only way I thought was good enough for you." He says walking towards me.

I put a hand over my mouth as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Nellie Lynn Salvatore, will you marry me?" He asks me on one knee. I back up to the wall and slide down it. "What about Hayley?" I ask, my voice breaking. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, "That was a girl from a long time ago, she means nothing to me." He says sliding over to me and holding me in his arms.

"Ok, I believe you." I say leaning my head on his shoulder. "So... Will you marry me?" He asks caressing my cheek. I nod and hum, "yes." I speak before kissing him. I feel the same warmth and electricity I loved. He slides the ring on my finger and stands us up. He leads me to the bed and lays me down, crawling on with me.

I push on his chest and sit up, "I can't. Not right now." I say sliding off and standing up. He stands up to and kisses my forehead, "Ok, see you at dinner love?" He asks. I nod and kiss his lips walking him to the door, "love you." I say closing the door. I walk over to my bed and get dressed.

I then walk into my bathroom and do my hair and make-up. I look at the clock and see its already past 5, at least I'll show up fashionably late. I walk down the stairs in my heels and into the dining room. I see Sadie, Sebastian, Klaus, Rebecca, Stefan, and Damon all sitting at the table. "Sorry I'm late... I had a little distraction earlier." I say blushing and sitting kitty corner to Klaus. "I heard." Rebecca said smirking.

I blush and put my hands in my lap. "Congrats by the way. I can't wait." She says sipping her wine. I groan and make sure to keep my left hand out of sight. "What does she mean by that?" Stefan asks. I sigh and look to Klaus for help. He stands up with his glass. "Nellie and I are getting married." He says. I hear gasps as I stand up and grab his hand smiling at him.

"Really!?" Damon yells standing up. I step back, tripping over something on the floor and falling flat on my ass. I look to see what it was and I gasp and slide back. Laying on the floor is the dead body of Piper. "No! No no no no no!" I say grabbing her head and stroking her hair. "Why!?" I sob out hugging her body to mine.

"Sorry not sorry." Someone speaks behind me. I look behind my to see Kayla standing there smirking. "You bitch!" I yell charging at her. Klaus grabs my waist and holds me back. "Don't hurt yourself love." He says in my ear. I grab a chair breaking the leg off and throwing it at her, it going straight through her heart. She turns grey and veiny, falling to the floor. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands.

What have I done?


Hello there lovely people!

You might be getting another update today because I got food poisoning and have nothing better to do.

QOTD: What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

AOTD: I have something good planned.



PS- You should check out my friends books.

Destined ZoeKayLuvUrFace
I play Clarissa in this book btw.

Dead End ItsMissK
I play Sarafina in this book btw.

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