Chapter 14 ~Humanity? I know of no such thing~

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A/N: The picture above is Nellie bye! Enjoy the chapter!

•Nellie's POV•

I wake up and immediately stand up. I stumble a little bit but then gain my balance. I look around and see I was left in the living room where Elijah turned me again. I walk to the kitchen and grab a blood bag. "Shit... This won't work." I mutter and put it back.

"I see someone's up..." Someone says behind me. I see the Matt boy standing behind me and I widen my eyes. "No! You need to leave! Now!" I yell pushing him out of the house. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Yeah, I should get going now..." He says rushing out the door.

I look into a mirror and see my veins and fangs. "Great, I can't control this?" I say walking towards the front door. I open the door and step out to see my car sitting in the driveway. I thought I had it in the garage.

I then sit in it and pull out of the driveway, heading to town. I see an old man sitting on a bench alone feeding birds and I think to myself before I pull over and get out. "Hello." I say sitting next to him.

He smiles and looks at me handing me some bread, "Want to help?" He says shakily. I nod, "I'd love to." I say smiling at him. He laughs, "I haven't talked to someone so polite in a while." He says, throwing another piece of bread for the birds.

I smile to my self then I look over at him. "Do you have family?" I ask him, hoping he doesn't do it will make it easier for me. He shakes his head, "My wife died 2 years ago and we never had kids." He says sadly. I bite the inside of my bottom lip, "Can you help me? My babies were kidnapped and I can't find them without your help." I say to him.

He nods and looks over at me, "Anything, family is the most important key to a happy life." He says. I stand up taking his hands leading him behind a tree. "I'm going to try and make this as painless as possible. Get ready to see your wife again." I say sadly to him. He nods with wide eyes.

I feel my fangs come out and I bite into his neck drinking his blood. Within a few minutes he's dead and I carefully lay his body down, closing his open eyes. I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

I get in my car and drive back home, only to see the Mikaelson cars there. Great.

I walk in and see everyone standing in the living room, they do this a lot. "What now?" I say setting my keys down on a table and taking my jacket off. "I told them." Elijah says. I turn around and sigh. "All of it?" I ask. "All of it." He says.

"God damnit Eljiah. You can't keep a fucking secret can you?" I say walking over to get a glass of bourbon. "I'm concerned about you Nellie. I saw what you did earlier. You could've just drank and not killed." He says. I turn around my grip tightening on my glass.

"He was alone. He had no family, his wife died 2 years ago and they never had kids. Wouldn't you want to see your family? Even if it meant dieing!?" I say my grip becoming too strong and the glass shatters in my hand. Klaus runs to me and grips my biceps tightly.

"You weren't supposed to do this yet Nellie! You were supposed to live out a human life! With your kids!" He yells mad. I look at him heartbroken. "My kids?" I say ripping out of his grip. He gulps and nods, "Your kids." He confirms.

I can feel tears prickling my eyes. "Well if I'm gonna save my kids, I can the caught up in the past. Which means no pain. Good luck bringing me back you bastard." I say. I then speed up to my room sobbing.

No, I shouldn't do this.

You have to.

No I don't!

If you ever want to see your kids again you do.

I don't have to!

Yes you do!

Fine! If you say so!

I dig in my mind until I see the switch. I flip it and then I feel no pain, no feeling. I feel amazing.

I walk downstairs and grab my car keys, looking at them. "I'm gonna go look for my kids, Again. Elijah, don't bother saving me again because I won't be feeling pain." I say smirking. Damon gasps putting his hand over his open mouth, "This is such a surprise. The goody two shoes Salvatore with no humanity." He says faking shock.

I chuckle evilly, "Good luck with your cars." I say walking out of the house. I then use my witch powers that I forgot about recently and blew up the fronts of all the cars. I continue walking to my car and then I drive off.

I have a suspicion on who kidnapped my kids, and I'm going to them first.

Enzo, here I fucking come... So get ready for chaos.


Hey guys!

This is just a filler chapter.

But a lot of stuff happened recently and I don't feel like talking about it yet. Just know if any of you are feeling sad or depressed I'm here to talk because I've been at my worst before and it's not fun.

QOTD: Who do you think kidnapped the kids?

AOTD: This will be a nice surprise, I might change Nellie's love interest too... Klaus is being a dick and I don't think e deserves her again.

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See you in the next chapter!!


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