Chapter 12 ~Welcoming new life~

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~Nellie's POV~

I turn around to see Piper with a gun pointed at me. "What are you doing, Piper?" She inches closer and closer until the barrel of the gun lays on my temple. "Let them in or you get shot." She demands. I open the door without hesitation and the KKK Vampire Edition barge in. "Tie her up tight girls, don't want her to get away this time. Piper, keep the gun to her head." They do as Katherine says quickly, not wanting to upset her.

"Let me go you fuckwads!" I scream, making Piper hit me over the head with her gun. Katherine pulls out a knife. "Our mission is to kill the demon's spawn, and nothing will get in our way." She starts taunting me with the knife, poking at my stomach like I'm some animal being tested in a lab. She cuts a thin line on my abdomen, making me wince in pain. "This won't hurt a bit... For me." She raises the knife, but it's pulled from her hand.

I see Klaus now fighting Katherine but the only thing on my mind is, where's Kayla? She was supposed to be here too. Kylie, Kirsten, and Piper flee, leaving their leader in danger. Klaus has her against the wall, his hands around her neck, about to snap it. I look down to see a minimal amount of blood soaking my white shirt. I only look back up when I hear the sickening crack, signifying Klaus snapped her neck.

Klaus untied me and I pull him into a suffocating hug, showing how much I missed him. He kisses me on the forehead."Is the baby okay?" I nod my head, feeling too weak to answer. "Let's take you home, Kayla can stitch you up."

{Kayla's POV}

I wake up from my dreamless nap to the sound of my phone ringing. Elijah Mikaelson flashes on the screen. "Hello?" I answer tiredly. "Kayla, it's E. Get to the Boarding House right now!" He says urgently. "Why? What's going on?" I really just wanna be alone. "Nell almost got killed. Klaus is bringing her home. He says she need to be stitched up. Katherine tried to kill her again." I don't wanna go, but it'll look weird if I don't show. "Okay, I'll be there. Be prepared for Damon to get his neck snapped again. Bye E." I sprint to the Salvatore Boarding House vampire speed.

I arrive to see Nell laying on the couch, her shirt now deep red. Caroline, Tyler, and Stefan are there too. "What's the gist?" I ask no one in particular. "Katherine sliced her, she's losing blood fast." Klaus answers. Caroline grabs the first aid kit while the boys set up the dining table as an operation table. "Will the baby be okay?" Nellie asks me, worry fills her eyes. "Everything will be fine." I reassure her and start stitching her up.

After about an hour of intricate work, I finish. I talk to Klaus briefly and recommend she goes and sees the doctor again to make sure the baby is okay. Also to feed her some vampire blood to make the healing go faster. I bid them all a goodbye and speed back to the motel. I unlock my room and see someone going through my stuff. Damon.

"What the hell!" I yell, making him turn around. "Kayla... Before you get mad, let me explain." I give him my signature 'are you fucking kidding me' look. "Why would you kill the baby?" He looks down at his feet. "Anyone but him." He says quietly. I know exactly what he's talking about. He's never liked Klaus. "She loves him, and he loves her. You just have to accept that."

"Just accept it? Just accept it! How can I just accept Klaus knocking up my sister? How can I accept anything anymore?" I remember when we were little and he'd get mad. I was the only one that could calm him down. "Damon, you're mad, I understand that. But you need to calm down." He looks up at me. "I don't wanna calm down!" He smashes a vase. I look back at him, tears forming in my eyes. His breathing is heavy, but I know his rant is done. He looks down and just starts crying.

I walk over to him and gently lift his chin so his eyes meet mine. I may be a cold hearted bitch, but something about Damon always brings out the soft side of me. "You are okay Damon. I'm gonna bring you home and you will get some sleep. Okay?" He nods his head slightly and I walk him to my car.

When we get back to the Salvatore Boarding House, I lead him up to his bedroom and tuck him into bed. I set a glass of water and some aspirin on the nightstand. "Call me when you wake up." I kiss his forehead and leave the room, still wondering why he was going through my stuff.

•Nellie's POV•

I haven't told anyone but Elijah and Rebeccah that I'm having twins. I didn't want anyone to worry about me because of it, yet again I don't know why anyone would. But by now I'm almost 3 weeks (9 months) and I've been getting pains lately.

I stand up from my spot on the couch and see a deep red spot where I was sitting and then look at my pants and see blood all over. "Klaus!" I yell packing clothes and stuff for the hospital.

"What hap- OH MY GOD YOUR IN LABOR" He yelled speeding to me and picking me up. "It's not bad, we just need to get to the hospital." I tell him calmly and kiss his cheek.

He then speeds us to the hospital and I'm put into a room. "Nellie? Your almost ready to give birth, we will be back soon ok?" The doctor says. I nod and lay back, gripping Klaus's hand. "Love, stop gripping so tight. You'll break my hand." Klaus says in my ear.

"This is what you get for not being able to keep your fucking dick in your pants." I tell him gritting my teeth. All of a sudden a contraction comes and I gasp and groan at the pain gripping Klaus' hand harder when I hear a crack. "Agh!" He grumbles.

I then see his hand all deformed and he puts it in place so it can heal.  I giggle and poke his hand. "Oh god, not now Nellie." He says while shaking his head. "What, it looked funny!" I say laughing.

He starts laughing himself and then soon we're both laughing so hard we start to cry. After a few minutes we stop and just giggle/chuckle here and there. About 10 minutes later the doctors come in and say that I'm ready to give birth.

"Ok, on the count of 3 I want you to push as hard as you can." The doctor says. I nod and he starts counting. "1....2....3... PUSH!" He says. I push as hard as possible and stop taking a deep breathe.

"I see a head already. Push as hard as possible on the count of 3." He says, "1,2,3... PUSH!" He says. After about 5 other painful pushes I hear my babies first cry. "It's a boy!" He yells holding him up to show me. I smile when I feel another contraction.

"Ok, I want you to push again Nellie. Let's see if we can get this baby out in 3 pushes." He says. I nod and lean back. "1,2,3, PUSH!" He says. I push once again and repeat about 2 times. I then hear my other baby crying and he holds it up to show me, "It's a girl!" I smile brighter and then look to see Klaus mad.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask him. He looks at me with fire in his eyes. "The fact you never told me it was fucking twins!" He yells furious. I shrunk back into the bed and my eyes start tearing up. He then storms out of the room leaving the doctors looking at me sadly. I looked down when I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"M'am. Im going to need you to give me the names." She says. I nod and rack my brain for the names I picked, ALONE. "The boys name will be Sebastian Finn Mikaelson, and the girl will be Sadie Bellanne Mikaelson." I tell her. She nods and writes the names on the board.

"Welcome to the world Sebastian and Sadie."



She's not pregnant anymore so that means she can kick ass again!

I'm super duper excited for this book, I have Amazing plans ahead!

Expect a few deaths in the next chapter.

QOTD: Do you like the names?

AOTD: I honestly picked them at random.

See you in the next chapter!


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