Chapter 5 ~Everything has changed.~

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Nellie's POV•

As I sat by Jeremy's "Dead" Body in the morgue of the hospital I had to fake be sad.

All of a sudden he shot up and I screamed loud. "What the hell!! I thought you were dead!" I yelled. "I was..." Jer said shaking his head.
My plan had worked. I ran and hugged him and he hugged me back. "Does this mean I'm a vampire if I came back?" Jeremy asked. I nodded my head sadly. I saw a tear fall down his face. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't want to be immortal Nel..." He said.
"It's okay Jer. We'll figure something out." I said encouragingly. He nodded and cried in my arms. What did I do?

•Damon's POV•

After I told Nellie to turn Jeremy I immediately regretted it. Elena was bawling in the waiting room of the hospital thinking her brother was dead but he can't be. Nellie turned him I just know it. I mean, why wouldn't she? She was driving the car that crashed so she probably fed him her blood than drove over in front of the semi to get him dead to turn him into a vampire.

That's a fool proof plan! Of course she did it... I mean that's something I would've done. I ran into the morgue to see Nellie hugging Jeremy and a tear went down her cheek. No, what have I done...

I ran over there and started freaking out.
"What the hell!? How are you alive Jeremy? You should be dead..." I strained. (Like when the vein pops out of his forehead in the show. 😂) He looked down and I heard him sob. Nellie just wrapped her arms around him and sat there with him.

I walked out regretting everything. "Elena, get in here!" I yelled to her. She got up and ran into the Morgue with me following. She gasped and ran to Jeremy. "Oh my god Jer your okay!" She said while hugging him. He chuckled and got up to hug her back.

Nellie walked over to me with tears on her face.
"You happy?" She asked and scoffed while walking away. I looked at Elena and Jeremy and they were just standing there looking at me shocked and mad. Looks like I have explaining to do...

•Nellie's POV•
As I was walking out of the hospital I was smirking, I just got Damon in trouble. Still gives me the same feeling of joy as it did in 1864.

I am sick of walking and running everywhere... I have an idea. I used my vamp speed to get to the car dealer and walked up to the front desk.

I looked him straight in the eye and said "Give me a Aston Martin, chrome." He just stood there so I added, "GO! Before I rip your throat out... With my teeth." And he ran to grab my new car.

I heard the rumble of my new sports car come from the front door and ran out side smiling. YAY! I thanked him and drove off towards the
Mikealson's house because, why not?

*Time Skip*
As I pulled up to the Mikealson's Mansion I revved my engine. I stopped right at the bottom of the stairs and got out. The front door opened and there stood a smiling Rebekah.

"Hello there love, Klaus has been waiting." I smiled and walked up the stairs into the Mansion. I looked around in awe.

"Follow me, Nellie." Rebekah spoke in her British accent. She brought me to a red room with art stuff all over and a Klaus painting a wolf.

"Klaus, you have a visitor." She told him then winked at me and left. I giggled and walked in farther.

Klaus stood up and turned towards me smiling, "What do I owe you for such a visit?" Oh my god, his accent is making my knees weak.

I shook my head and then sat down on the red velvet couch. "I just wanted to properly meet the family." I shrugged and smiled at him.

"Go ahead and make yourself at home I guess?" Klaus spoke while chuckling.
I smiled and toke off my shoes, "Thanks, I also figured I could stay a while I have nothing better to do."

Klaus came and picked up my feet and sat down, then set my feet down on his lap. He sat there looking at me and then started smiling "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked me.

I shook my head "Nope, never." He looked down, "That's a shame." He spoke quietly. I took my feet off his lap and scooted closer to him.

"Wanna know something else?" I asked him while he nodded. "I've never been in love either." I said. He looked up at me shocked, "Your kidding with me right?" He shouted.

I shook my head laughing. I looked up at him and saw him examining me again but our faces were closer than last time. I started to look at him and admiring how hot he was.

His eyes were so beautiful with specks of different colors, his nose was defined more than mine ever will be,
His stubbles of hair on his chin, his cheeks always a rose color, his hands we- I was stopped short by his lips connecting with mine.

I was shocked at first but then started kissing back. He's a really good kisser!
Oh wait... There's fireworks...

•Klaus's POV•

I have had feelings for Nellie ever since 1883 when I saw her in New England. I followed her for a few months until she just disappeared off the face of the earth.

I heard about her back here in Mystic Falls and wanted Katherine to collect her for me but that didn't go as planned. When she showed up here I couldn't help myself I had to kiss her.

*They are kissing right now, this is where I left off with Nellie*

I laid her down on the couch and kept kissing her. I feel sparks with every touch. I went to take her shirt off but Kol walked in. "Oh, sorry am I interrupting something?" He asked smirking. I sighed and shook my head "No Kol, we can continue upstairs." I said smirking at Nellie while she curled into my side laughing.

(As I was writing that I was watching college football  and the hashtag on tv was #WheresTheD 😂)

"Well, we have to start setting up for the ball Niklaus, finish up and send her home." He said then walked out.

"Nellie, you should probably go... Shall I see you out?" I ask her. She nodded while getting her shoes on. We got up and I walked her to the front door.

"It was a pleasure" she said smiling. "As it was for me." I said smiling back. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed me then walked down the steps to her car. Before she sped off she looked at me and smiled. As I saw that smile I realized something.

I'm in love with Nellie Salvatore.

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