Chapter 2 ~Killing off lose ends~

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Present Day America
•Nellie's POV•

( when I was writing this slay by: Trevor Moran came into my head... 😂)

As I walked down the streets of Minnesota everyone was staring.

I was wearing a red sweetheart neckline dress that goes about thigh length and it has lace at the top, with white and black polka dot heels, DC earrings, a metal rose necklace from 1800's, a lip shaped purse and an arrow ring on my right hand.

For make-up I had a smokey eye, winged eyeliner, and red lipstick that was a matte kind of look.

I stopped and got into my Matte Black Porsche.

I started it and drove off,

I was now on my way to Mystic Falls, Virginia.

•Stefan's POV•
Everyone was meeting up at the Grill.

We sat down at a big booth and we were having small talk when we heard the door open and the bell sounded.

A girl who looked exactly like Nellie walked in and she was stunning.

We haven't told anyone about Nellie because it's a touchy topic.

She walked up to the bar and ordered a margarita and smiled kindly at the bartender.

"I'm gonna need to see some I.D." He spoke.

She looked at his eyes "You're not gonna need I.D. Now get me my drink" she spoke.

"Yes ma'am" he said.

I nudged Damon.

"What." He said bored.

"Is that Nellie?" I asked while pointing at the girl.

"I-It can't be. Nellie disappeared back in the 1800's..." Damon trailed off thinking to himself.

" What if Katherine turned her?" I asked Damon. "I mean Katherine is evil..."

"Oh... My god. It is!!" Damon yelled.

The girl turned around and looked like a deer caught in head lights.

Damon and I stood up and walked over to her.

"N-Nellie?" Damon asked with tears streaming down his face.

"Damon? Stefan?" Nellie spoke. "Is that really you?"

We nodded and she jumped into our arms.

"Where did you go?" Damon asked her.

"Katherine turned me and brought me to Austrailia. I had to save up money and she kept coming to check on me and every time she'd take the money I had. I finally gave it to someone and told her I had stopped saving my money. I got enough and I flew to Minnesota and was there for about 7 months then I heard of Salvatore's here and drove down here." She told us.  "Are you sure your real?" She asked.

"Yes, Nellie. We. Are. Real." I told her.

Damon picked her up again and twirled her around them set her down and kissed the crown of her head.

"We missed you." Damon told her.

"I missed you too." She said, but it was muffled because Damon had he face to his chest hugging her.

She finally pulled away and grabbed her drink.

"Where are you sitting?" She asked with a smile.

"Actually we want you to meet some people." I told her.

She nodded and followed us to the booth.

"Ok, guys. This here is our sister Nellie." Damon spoke.

Nellie waved to them and smiled "Hello there."

"You never told us you had a sister." Elena spoke.

"Emotional Topic, let's just say that." Damon said smiling.

"Ok, this is a first. Damon is actually SMILING" Tyler said.

Nellie and I just shook our heads and chuckled.

All of a sudden a guy walked in and wrapped his arms around Nellie's waist.

"Hey babe. I see you've met your brothers friends." He spoke to her.

"Alex, I told you.. We never happened and never will." She told him while getting out of his grip.

"But, but I love you Nellie." He said

"and I don't love you Alex." She said sternly.

He scoffed and slapped her across the face.

She turned vampire and grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the bathrooms.

"Well, she's just a ray of sunshine sin't she?" Caroline said sarcastically.

"Let's just say she has the Salvatore patience." Damon said proudly.

I nodded then she walked back with blood on her hands.

"Okay I'm back and  Alex is done and over with." She smiled while grabbing a towel off a waiters shoulder.

Great another body to take care of... Not.


Yay another chapter done!

Alex is based off my ex btw so yeah.

That should explain the brutality of it.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

I also need you guys to vote on what she should end up being a hybrid with.

A. Werewolf

B. Witch

C. Kitsune

D. Were-Jaguar



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