Chapter 16 ~Family Reunion~

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A/N: The pictures above are Sadie and Sebastian! ENJOY!

*Not edited because I was lazyyyyy*

•Klaus's POV•

I'm sitting in my painting room, painting a picture of Nellie when all of a sudden a car crashes through the wall and I see a knocked out Nellie in the drivers seat. Oh lord...

I stand up and walk to the drivers side door, picking Nellie up out of the seat and laying her down on my love-seat couch. I see her wounds heal and I sigh.

"What did you do this time love?" I ask her even though she won't answer. I hear my siblings rush into the room and gasp at the scene. "What in the world?" I hear Rebekah say.

I stand up and face them. "I don't know what happened but she rarely uses magic, so what she used it to get away from must have scared the living shit out of her." I tell them.

Elijah looks down at the ground when I say this. "What? Do you know something?" I ask him. He looks at her face sympathetically, "It must have happened after I got off the phone with her." He says sadly.

I sigh and sit next to her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and kissing her forehead. I take a few moments to really look at her, every detail. Her pale face, her button nose, her perfectly plump lips, her long eyelashes. Every little detail about her is perfect.

I pick up my paint brush and get a new canvas. I start painting her sleeping form and right when she shoots up from her peaceful sleep I paint the last stroke of her hair. "Where am I?" She asks holding her head.

"Your at the mansion darling." I tell her standing up and walking over to her. She looks at me and then scoffs, "What am I doing with you?" She asks. I feel my heart break at those words and I take a deep breath, "You crashed into my painting room. I just put you there so you could rest." I tell her solemnly.

She stands up and Almaty loses her balance but catches herself. "I don't ever want to see you. Ever." She says walking out of the room.

•Nellie's POV•

I've officially given up on trying to find my kids, I know I shouldn't but... It's tiring. Klaus doesn't even want them so maybe they're better off with their kidnapper.

I had just walked out of Klaus's painting room when I get a sharp pain in my stomach and my head at the same time. I gasp in pain and look down at my stomach to see blood seeping through my shirt. I put a hand over the bleeding wound and rush to the nearest person, other then Klaus.

"Hey Nell- woah what the hell?" Kol says. I gasp as another wave of pain hits me and I fall to the floor groaning. "What the fuck!?" I yell to no one in particular. I lean against a wall and try to do magic and find a link between me and someone else. And that someone else is Sadie.

A/N: sorry for all the POV changes!

•Sadie's POV•

I know I'm a vampire/werewolf hybrid and so is Sebastian. I also know we were kidnapped. We've been trying to escape for days but every time we tried they would torture us.

Right now I was being stabbed in my stomach and being hit over the head with a metal bar. I groan and look at my torturer, Ben. "Bruh, stop." I tell him but he doesn't and he stabs me again in the neck.

"Great, you hit a major artery you dumbass." I say. My vision starts getting blurry but I feel magic healing me. I start to see clearly and I get up attacking Ben. "Karma's a bitch, she was bound to catch up to you sometime." I say stabbing his eyes out with the knife.

I run out of the room looking for Sebastian. I find him sitting on the dirty couch in our room and I pick him up, rushing out of the house. I then stop dead in my tracks when the sun pricks my skin, creating blisters. "Fucking A." I mumble stepping into the shade.

I look at the sky to see the sun is going down, but very, very slowly. Sebastian and I have learned about every single thing we can do over the course of a few days and we look like teenagers now. I sit in the shade of the nearest forest and cover is up, so our kidnappers can't find us.

I see the moon almost to the middle of the sky and no sign of the sun the next time I look up so I wake Sebastian up and we run. We make it to a town called Mystic Falls by the time we have to stop running.

I walk into the nearest store and see its a bar. "Excuse me miss, can you tell me where the nearest hotel is?" I say tapping a woman on the shoulder. She turns around and I go speechless because she looks like me, not fully but almost.

"Um, there's no hotels here but if you'd like you can stay with me?" She says questioningly. I nod, "Yeah, I'd like that. I have my brother with me too he's just over there." I say to her pointing to the table Sebastian sat down at.

"That's fine, what's your name sweetie?" She asked. I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "My names Sadie and his is Sebastian." I tell her. She gasps. "I had babies named the same, are you guys twins?" She asks.

I nod awkwardly, "Yeah why?" I say. She puts a hand over her mouth and there's tears in her eyes, "I'm your mom." She says. My eyes widen and I feel tears prick my eyes and I cover my mouth letting out a sob. She engulfs me in a hug and I hug her back.

She runs her hand up and down my back as Sebastian walks over. I pull back and tell him everything that just went down and he breaks down crying too. Then our mom hugs both of us and kisses our heads, as she whispers

"My babies are home."


Hey guys!

So I decided to do a double update today, I felt like being nice.

QOTD: Who do you think their kidnappers were?

AOTD: You'll have to wait and see 😏



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