Chapter 21 ~Wedding Crasher~

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*Time skip: 3 months later*

•Nellie's POV•

I sit on the end seat of our bed and look down at myself. I'm wearing a beautiful white wedding dress with a silver belt, silver high heels, and my hair is up in a ponytail twist. I look to my right and see Kayla putting her heels on.

A few weeks ago we resurrected her and she forgave me. She stands up and walks over to me grabbing my hands. "It's time Nel..." She says tearing up. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly. "What if he ends up not loving me forever?" I ask her tightening my grip.

She hugs me and rubs my back comfortingly, "He wouldn't have proposed if he knew he wouldn't." She says pulling away. I nod and walk to the door with her. My bridesmaids are waiting at the doors, lined up with the groomsmen. "Alright everybody! It's go time!" Kayla says.

The doors open up and they starts walking out, the music playing on the violins. Soon it's my turn and Damon comes to my side. "You ready Nell Bell?" He asks, taking my elbow with his. I nod and hold my flowers tightly.

We start walking down the isle and everyone looks at me gaping. I blush and look ahead at Klaus. I see his eyes tearing up and he wipes them away instantly. We reach the end of the isle and Damon hands me off to Klaus, "Hurt her and I'll rip your heart out." Damon threateningly says.

Klaus nods, "I'll let you." He says reassuringly. Damon sits down and Klaus carefully slips my veil back, showing him my face.

(A/N: I don't know what the things the pope says are so skip those.)

"Would you like to say your vows?" The pope asks. I nod and grab Klaus' hands again. "I remember once how I told you I did not believe in soul mates. I will never forget your reaction. Shocked and a little hurt that I did not think we were. But as time went by, your love made me believe. I love you Niklaus." I tell him.

There's tears streaming down his face and I wipe them away and then connect my hands with his again. ""I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving.
I promise to try to be on time.
But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.
I love you Nellie Salvatore." He says.

I hold back a sob and cover my mouth, tears streaming down my face. He hugs me and then let's go, "Nellie, do you take Niklaus as your lawfully wedded husband?" The pope asks. "I do." I say. "Niklaus, do you take Nellie as your lawfully wedded wife?" The pope asks Klaus. "I do." He says.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He says. Klaus immediately pulls me into him and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck and go on my tippy toes so he doesn't have to bend down so much. We pull away and he picks me up bridal style walking down the isle.

All of a sudden we're stopped by me getting shot in the side. I scream in pain and Niklaus looks around for the shooter. The doors slam open and Kai Parker walks in with a gun in his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. I kinda stained your dress there." He says smirking. I get out of Klaus' grasp and into Damon's.

I pull the bullet out and my wound won't heal. I look up at Damon and let the tears fall. "No! Nellie please don't die again." He says holding me close to him. I hold Damon's hand tightly, my eyes suddenly becoming heavy. "No, Nellie honey. You have to keep your eyes open for me." Kayla says appearing at my side. I smile at her and grab her hand with my one open hand.

"Tell, you have to tell my kids. Tell the-" I'm cut off my my eyes closing and the air escaping my lungs. Then all I see if blackness. Great.


Hello there readers!

This is the last chapter of 'All Just A Memory'... I'm happy about it but sad at the same time.

The sequel will be up soon I promise, and there will be an epilogue.

QOTD: What should the title be of the sequel?

AOTD: I was thinking "Everything Has Changed"

See you in the Epilogue!


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