Chapter 8 ~Escape~

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•Klaus's POV•

As we sat in Nellie's hospital room I could help but think about what she asked me earlier... Does she want kids? I honestly don't know if I do but if it's with her I'm all for it, she'd make the perfect mother.

The heart monitor started beeping rapidly and she started shaking. I jumped up out of my seat and ran to her. I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead, after I did that she calmed down and relaxed. I smiled and sat in the chair next to her bed.

"You know Nellie... You changed me, and my life. I don't know what I would do without you. I was a horrible monstrosity that didn't care about puny human lives and when you came along, such an overwhelming badass you made me realize something... Human lives mean something. They care about one another, they're loyal to their partners and families, they care about every little detail, some of them are unhappy because of their past but each on the them matters. I miss being human and would do anything to have that back..." I paused.

"You got the chance, now take it and seize the day. Do everything you've dreamed of doing since you became a vampire. Grow up! Don't waste any of it because of me. I'll wait for you, because I love you." I said as I got up and walked away, but before I left I looked back and saw a smile on the unconscious girls face.

•Unknown POV•

As I watch from outside the room I can tell they truly love each other. Too bad the girl has to die.

Even if I have to die I'll listen to my master. The girl needs to die or his revenge will not be complete.


•Nellie's POV•

As I wake up I see Damon and Stephan sitting beside me. What's wrong with me? First I die, then I become human, then I pass out because I can't fucking breathe!?

I sit up more and stand up out of bed. I rip the IV's out of my arm and hand and walk out of the room without waking up anyone. I look outside a window and see the moon. I sigh and walk towards the exit.

I see the all too familiar Black Camaro.  (pretend this is what Klaus drives because I honestly don't know what he drives... Or if he evens drives at all.) I smirk and walk towards it, I jump in and say "Where to?" To Klaus.

When I look over Klaus is looking at me smirking with a lustful look in his eye. "Um... Klaus? Can we go? I don't want anyone catching us." I told him softly. He snapped out of his daze and nodded "Yeah sorry about that.., So about earlier. Do you want a child?" He asked quietly.

I bit my lip and looked out the window while nodding. "Yeah... I do..." I said while my voice cracked.


Hey guys! So this is just a filler chapter for right now.

I'm having trouble thinking of things but hopefully my Christmas spirit will help!

Love you!


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