Chapter 4 ~Hooking up with my brothers, girlfriends, brother? No thanks.~

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•Nellie's POV•

Jeremy got up and stood in front of me.
"To get her you'll have to kill me first." He said sternly. Awe! He wants to protect me.

"Easy." Katherine said and she used vamp speed to punch him in the face and knock him out. "Come on, I have places to be." She said nastily.

"No, I'm not leaving." I told her demandingly.

"Don't be stubborn, it's actually unattractive... And it causes wrinkles..." She trailed off.

"Well... I can't have wrinkles because of you..." I told her.

"Whatever. I will be waiting for you outside." She said.

I just sat there thinking... I could run out the back door and make it out of here. I smiled at my plan and quietly went upstairs. I put my finger up to my lips and gave Damon and Stefan a hurt look. I opened one of the windows of and was about to jump out when someone grabbed my foot and pulled me out I screamed, loud.

I looked up and saw Klaus. I went wide eyed and put my hand up in the window to climb back in and get away from him but he held onto me. "Help!" I yelled. Jeremy ran to the window and looked shocked. "Uh, guys.... She kinda needs help..." He said hurriedly. I kicked Klaus in the throat and ran to the back door. I rang the door bell and a little ladder came down and I climbed it. Then it disappeared. I'm safe! Wait... Vampires can jump this high... SHITBALLS!

I went to jump down when Elijah grabbed my foot and pulled making me fall flat on my face. "Um, OWW!" I yelled at him. I got up and went behind him and quickly snapped his neck. Now, to hide. I ran to the window and jumped in closing and locked it. I turned around to fine Kol, Rebecka, Klaus, Elijah, and the other brother who I don't care about.

"Shit. What the hell do you people want from me!?" I yelled.

"I don't know... You just have this pull to you." Klaus smirked. I just stood there dumbfounded. "Can I have a moment with my family before you make me leave with you?" I asked sweetly.
He nodded and said "We'll wait right here." Klaus said smiling. I nodded and ran up to the room they were all in. I ran to Jeremy and hugged him. "Don't miss me yet, were escaping." I told him in a seductive tone. I grabbed his hand and I ran us out the door and to Elena's house since Jeremy owns it and hasn't invited any of the Originals in.

"Now where were we?" I said smirking. He smiled and picked me up and brought me up to his bed. We started kissing instantly and he just ripped my shirt off instead of pulling it over my head. I smiled and ripped his shirt off. "That was my favorite shirt..." He whined. "That was mine too." I said. "Touché" he spoke. I giggled and laid back. He got on top of me but didn't put all his weight on me.

I unbuckled his pants and pulled them off. He pulled my skinny jeans off and left me in a bra and underwear, him in his underwear. He kissed down my jaw and kept going down. After a few minutes we were both naked, and you know what happens from there. *Smirks while shaking finger. You nasties! You little nasties!*

That was when I shot up and looked down. I was still clothed in the sweatpants and t-shirt Jeremy gave me to sleep in. Did I just have a sex dream about Jeremy? Wait... I looked behind me and there stood Damon smirking.
"It's so easy to get in your head Nellie... But why that guy!?" He said shaking his head. I just chuckled and laid back down. "I don't know Damon... There's just this sparkle in his eye that I've never seen before, his smile can give me a lifetime of happiness, his touch can send a thousand tingles through my body, and his lips can set off millions of fireworks inside me... I have never felt this way before about anyone." I said smiling while I talked.

"You got it bad Nellie... I don't know what to tell you other than to go after him!" Damon said then walked over to me and whispered in my ear "and turn him." He smiled at me as he walked away. Should I turn Jeremy?

I don't know... I decided to sleep on it and think about it. What are the pros and cons. Here, I'll make a list. I got up and grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down all the pros and cons.
The pros overpowered the cons.

Looks like Jeremy will be a vampire soon. But I have to turn him anonymously. I'll drive him somewhere and get in a car crash, he'll get knocked out, I'll feed him my blood, and snap his neck. PERFECT. Now just sleep Nellie.

(Still Nellie's POV)

"Jeremy!" I yelled up the stairs.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"I'm taking you to breakfast come on!" I yelled up to him chuckling after.

"Be there in a sec!" He yelled.

God my throat hurts from yelling... It shouldn't hurt... Oh, hybrid. That's right. He ran down the stairs towards me smiling. "Let's go." He told me running out the door to my car. We were on our way there when I saw a Semi, perfect. I was talking to Jeremy and looked over at him when I steered a little to the left so the Semi would hit us. "AHHHH!" I screamed. The semi hit us head on and I fed Jeremy my blood before anything happened to him. Seconds after we got hit he was dead.

Jeremy Gilbert was dead.

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