Chapter 11 ~A little change~

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_- Nellie's POV -_

Everyone stared at me with their mouths agape. I went to walk out of the room when I felt someone grab my wrist lightly. I turn around to end up face to face with Klaus. He looks at me sadly and goes to caress my cheek with his soft hand when I turn away and speed out the door, human speed of course. I hop in my car that I had here and drive away. Where should I go? I have no one to run to anymore.

_- Caroline's POV -_

As Nellie runs out the door I can't help but ask myself if the baby was okay. I stand up and follow her out the door, shes already halfway down the road in her car so I run and jump into her car when I catch up to her. "What the fuck Caroline?!" she yells at me. I smile sheepishly at her and shrug, "I felt like you needed a friend." I told her. She shook her head, "You know me so well.." She said chuckling. I smiled, "I guess I do, don't I?" I said. I turned on the radio and 'I'll stand by you' came on and she smiled and started singing along. I never knew she could sing...

She pulled up to a salon and turned the car off. She looked at me and smiled, "I think it's time for a change." She said. I nodded and got out. "So what are you doing?" I ask her. She bites her cheeks and looks at me innocently, "I'm going to dye my hair." She said questioningly. I gasped, "YOU ARE NOT!" I yelled at her. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to me glaring at me. "You can't tell me what to do... You're not my mom." She said walking inside. I looked at her shocked and sped to the house, deserting my Best Friend.

"Guys!" I yelled. Stephan, Damon, Klaus, Elijah, and Kayla all came out of the kitchen. I stopped panting and stood straighter. "Nellie is dying her hair and wouldn't listen to me to stop." I said, "Can one of you go there and stop her?" I added on. They all looked at each other and shook their heads, "I think she deserves a change for once." Kayla said.

Everyone nodded in agreement and I scoffed. "She'll be more noticeable to people who are hunting her down then." I tell them and Klaus looks panicked. I smirk and he then smiles, "That means anyone who knows what she looks like won't notice it's her." He says. I glare and him and start walking away, "Fine, let her be killed." I say before speeding away.

_- Nellie's POV-_

After I'm done dying my hair I smile and hop in the car. I ended up dying it purple. I then stop at the Mikealson mansion and grab clothes, money, food, and everything I'll need. I leave Klaus a note telling him where I'll be and that he can join me if he'd like, also to bring Kayla. I then hop in my car and start driving to Minnesota.

It took me about 5 days to drive there, it was worth it though. There were thick layers of snow on the ground and it looked beautiful. I pulled up to my old friend Piper's house. She was a witch and a vampire, don't know how but she is. She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "What brings you here Nel?" She asks. I smile, "I needed a break." I tell her. She nods understandingly.

"Well, don't just stand there come in!" She says opening the door wider. I smile bright and walk in. Her house is antique looking and beautiful. "Oh, and by the way... Klaus and Kayla might come." I tell her. She gasps and covers her mouth, "Kayla is alive!?" She asks. I nod and look at her questioningly, "She didn't visit you?" I ask her. She shakes her head and I suck on my teeth, "That's sucks." I say.

She laughs, "Still the same old Nellie that I grew up with." She says. I laugh, "Not true Pipes, so not true." I tell her looking down. She looks at me concerned. "What do you mean?" She asks. I just look down, "I've killed a lot of people, and the Nellie you grew up with wouldn't get pregnant with the most hated vampire in the world." I tell her.

She gasps and smiles, "YOURE PREGNANT!? HOW!?" She says. I laugh and nod, "I am, and someone killed me, I was resurrected and now I'm human until after I give birth." I say. She nods understandingly and then walks into the kitchen, "Would you like some green tea?" She asks.

I nod, "Sure, I heard its good for pregnant women." I say. I sit on the couch and a few seconds later I hear a car door slam and steps stomping up the stairs. Then there's a hard knock at the door and I get up walking over to the front door. I look through the peep hole to see Katherine, Kylie, and Kirstin standing there looking dead. Oh shit.

•Kayla's POV•

I make my way to Enzo's apartment. "Enzo?" I call out after I unlock the door with the spare key he gave me. "Enzo, you home babe?" I walk into his now empty bedroom and see a note sitting on the bed.

My Dearest Kayla,
I'm cancelling your mission. You've gone soft and in the end, I don't think you'll be able to pull it off. By the time you get this, I'll be gone. I thought our love would last forever, but I was wrong. You're on your own now. Your belongings are in a cardboard box located in the living room.
Best Wishes,

I drop the note on the floor, tears forming in my eyes. Falling to my knees, I let out a sob. Why would he do this? I loved him and he loved me. I take the note and reread it. You've gone soft. That's why.

Well then, maybe I'll have to harden up a bit. I ball my hands into fists, the note crumpling. I wipe the tears off my face, grab the cardboard box, and leave the dreadful place that showed me love doesn't exist.

I hop in my car and drive to a motel, not noticing the brown years eyes watching me from afar. I put my stuff in a room and compel the front desk person to give me the room for free. I then grab the key from him and go back to my car.

I can't be wearing girly clothes if I'm not going to be soft anymore. I stop at a store and buy a leather jacket and all black clothes, with black high heels. I also snuck Black and White converse. I put them on in a gas station bathroom and walked out. I then went to a car dealership and got myself a new slick black Camaro.

Let's go have some fun.



Props to ItsMissK for taking the time to help me write Kayla's POV! Love you girl!

Also, Piper is actually an old friend of mine and I miss her a lot. Her and a friend of mine made me chose one of them and I couldn't decide so I lost both. I have lost a lot of friends this year and I'm ashamed of myself for it.

I hope I will update again soon but it might take a little longer than usual. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

QOTD: Should Piper turn evil or stay an Ally?

AOTD: I like the idea of her becoming an enemy but eh.

See you in the next chapter!


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