✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The Return

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"Coming!" I shouted back and then I ran out of my room and skipped down the stairs. She stood there with her hands on her hips and a different... outfit? "Hey did you change back?"

"No." She said giving me a weird look, "I've been in this the whole time.."

Now I was confused.

And then we heard a grunt of pain and the sound of metal... perhaps a knife hitting the kitchen floor. I jumped slightly and looked to Elena.

What was happening?

"Let's go check it out." I whispered and then we both started to walk towards the kitchen... Surprised at what we saw.

John, was on the floor, his hands were pressed onto his lower stomach as he gasped in pain. I squinted my eyes slightly trying to get a better look at him. His hands were covered in his own blood, and there was a knife lying a few feet away from him covered in a red substance. Elena and I, finally coming to our senses gasped.

Elena ran toward him, dropping to her knees as I ran to a table and grabbed a table cloth. I gave it to Elena, who then pressed it firmly to our Uncle's wound.

"Call 911!" I told Elena urgently seeing her hands were shaking. She nodded without another thought and grabbed the phone off the counter and dialed the number..

"Shh, your gonna be okay." I shushed him as he gasped and thrashed slightly as he looked around the room frantically with his blood shot eyes.

"Hi I-I-I need an ambulance to 2104 Maple street." Elena said quickly into the phone as she pushed down on his wound tighter.

John then gasped out, "Be- Behind you."

"What?" Elena asked confused obviously not catching it. But I did. John was looking around the house, looking for the person who did this to him. And whoever it was, was behind me. Normally I would have been able to figure it out, but not now. My brain was scrambled.

I turned around on a dime.

I looked around the room, not seeing anything different. But that didn't slow my beating heart. I heard John tell Elena again and then she gasped and turned around, frightened as well.

On instinct I grabbed the knife on the floor that had been used moments ago to stab John. Putting a stern expression on my face I turned back to Elena.

"Stay here."

I slowly got up grasping the knife tightly. I roamed through each room, my eyes darting to every dark corner. Any where that my eyes could reach. Walking toward the wooden front door, I licked my lips attempting to calm my nerves.

And then I heard a swoosh from behind me.

I turned around toward the sound. My eyes moving like crazy as I listened for any sudden movement. Whoever it was, was fast. I held the knife out in front of me, cautious of my surroundings. And then I caught something out of the corner of my eyes.

A figure dressed in black.

I looked toward the figure. Only to see it gone and to hear the swish of an unnatural wind of well, super speed. The door was then opened and slammed closed. I looked towards it letting out a breath. I could feel myself begin to sweat as I stared at the door.

The person was a vampire...

Only one word escaped me, "Jeremy."

In realization I ran up the stairs. If a vampire was in the house, then they could have easily killed Jeremy. I mean they almost killed John. I booked it up the stairs not caring that I was breaking the one of the rules my mom told me: never run with something sharp in your hands.

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