✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) Katerina Petrova

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Bulgaria, 1490 (3rd Person POV)

Katerine Petrova let out a cry of pain as she pushed, giving birth to her child.

"Малкото повече, най-скъпият... малко повече." [A little more, dearest. . .a little more.] Katerina's mother soothed Katerina. Katerina's grip tighten on the pale bed sheets as she began to push again. "Бутнете... малкото повече." [Push. . .a little more.]

A baby's cry was then heard throughout the room. And Katerina knew that the birth was over. She  had given birth.... At a very young age. Katerina was now panting, sweat formed on her forehead.

"То е момиче" [It is a girl.] Mama stated.

"Момиче?" [A girl?] Katerina and  asked in return. Her mother nodded reassuringly.

"Моля майката ми позволи... да я видя." [Please mother. . . Let me see her.] Katerina pleaded.

There was a beautiful baby in her mother's arms. She was crying softly, as she was cradled against her grandmother's chest. 

"Жената не прави!" [Woman don't!] Katerina's father's voice yelled. All eyes snapped to him, her father was always a gentle man. But since Katerina had become pregnant that had all changed.

"Какво правите?" [What are you doing?] He questioned. Katerina's mother looked from Katerina and I to father. She nodded to him and began to walk towards him. When she reached him she handed him the baby.

Katerina now had tears welling up in her eyes. You could see the heartbreak she was dealing with. She didn't want to let that baby go.

"Позволете ми да я държа поне веднъж..." [Let me at least hold her once. . .] Katerina pleaded tears were rimming her brown orbs for eyes. "Само веднъж... само веднъж..." [Just once. . .Just once. . .]

"Забравете го! Вие сте позорили това семейство!" [Forget it! You have disgraced this family!] Her father argued taking the baby out of the room.

"Създайте моля!" [Father please!] Katerina screamed after father, "Не, създайте... не!" [No, father. . . No!]

Но Каterina. То е по-добре за нея!" [No Katerina. It's better for her.] Her mother protested holding Katerina down.

Katerina was now sobbing uncontrolably.

"Майката на не, удовлетворява..." [No, mother, please. . .] Katerina said burring her face into her mother's shoulder.

"Позволете ѝ да отиде... да ѝ позволи да отиде, Katerina." [Let her go. . .Let her go, Katerina.] Mother persuaded.

"Удовлетворете Мама." [Please mama.] Katerina grumbled into mother's shoulder. It was barley hearable.

And then Katerina Petrova, sobbed into her mother's shoulder as her mother did the same to her. They were both in pain.

Electra’s POV

I knocked on the door of the Salvatore’s house. Elena, my sister, was next to me an annoyed expression on her face. I tapped my fingers on my leg impatiently.

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