✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The Descent

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Moments ago- and by moments, I do mean moments. I had gotten a call from Elena explaining that Rose had gotten bitten by a werewolf. Well not just any werewolf, a werewolf named Jules.

From Elena’s description, I guess she shifted last night and came to the Salvatore’s boarding house and attacked. Turns out Jules was actually aiming for Damon, since he pissed her off earlier that night.
When doesn’t he tick someone off.

Anyways, Jules was only in town to look for her friend Mason Lockwood. Mason being the same one that Damon had killed. And if my calculations are correct- this town’s madness has just gotten a hundred times worse.

I pulled my car up to the boarding house, before taking the key out of the ignition and getting out of my car. Sighing I slammed the door shut. Before walking up the few porch steps to the door.

I knocked a few times and then waited patiently. Elena was here, I guess and she ‘requested’ that I come. In my opinion there was no ‘request’ she had just ordered me to come.

The door opened to reveal Elena. She nodded at me and then ushered me inside, and then pointed to the study. I walked in to see Damon leaning over the back of Rose, looking at a huge wound.

There was skin peeling away around it. And it looked almost… decaying. It definetly wasn’t looking so good.

“How is it?” Rose asked, nervously.

Damon furrowed his brows as he stared at the wound. I’m sure he was trying to decide if he should tell the truth, or just try and make Rose feel better. And in truth.. I don’t think even I could tell her the truth at this moment. Even if I hated her because of the.. Damon thing.

“It’s… Definitely better.” Damon struggled to lie, as he covered the wound back up before looking over at my sister and I, “Right Electra?”

I gulped, the way he said the last part told me he wanted me to lie. And I had to lie good, it had to highly believable. And in truth I knew why he chose me… Because Elena is a horrible liar.

Rose turned to face me as I spoke… great pressures on.

“Yeah, it’s not bad.” I agreed, with a small smile.

Damon nodded in appreciation before looking towards Elena, “Where’s Stefan?”

“He left.” She replied pointing behind her, “I need you to talk to him. Stefan’s convinced that he has to find Isobel-”

“What?” I snapped, “Our birth mother Isobel?”

“Yeah.” Elena replied.

“That’s not happening. There is no way that Damon would allow her to come back… Right Damon?” I asked using the same voice he had used with me about the wound on Rose’s back, moments ago.

“No can do.” Damon replied, sending me a look, “I’m with Stefan on this one, but Electra if you could play nurse for a little while…”

Rose shook her head, “It’s not necessary.”

“It is necessary.” Damon cut her off, “And my dearest Electra, sometimes… likes to do good. Like right now.”

Way to make me have to say okay Damon… But wait- did he say ‘dearest Electra’? What was that about?

Damon then walked past me out of the room. My eyes followed him before they flickered to Elena.

“Could you just wait here for a sec?” I asked Elena.


I then followed after Damon, ending up in the hallway. Damon was practically speed walking towards the door, I had to almost run to catch up.

✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now