✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) Bad Rising

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A Sacrifice For Love - Bad Rising

(Sequel to A Melted Heart)

“Thanks for coming Rick.” Stefan said as he glanced down the Salvatore’s hallway at Alaric who was entering the Salvatore Boarding house. Damon was standing next to Rick opening the door for him.

I was sitting on the couch across from the one that Stefan and Elena were seated at. Don’t ask me why I decided to sit alone, because I don’t know the answer myself.

“Can I get you something to drink? Coffee? Bourbon? Bourbon? Coffee?” Damon asked Alaric as he closed the door behind him.

Alaric shook his head walking into the living room, “Uh, Elena mentioned to me that you needed my help?”

“Yeah.” Stefan replied as Alaric took a seat next to me, “We were hoping that you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family.”

Alaric looked up with a questioning look.

“Now why would I know anything about the Lockwoods?”

Damon shrugged as he took a seat in the nearby chair, “Well you wouldn’t. But you dead- not dead vampire wife might.”

I looked to my left to see Alaric’s eyes dart to the floor. I knew that Rick, more than anyone else, hated to talk about Isobel.

“Isobel’s research.” Elena spoke up, causing all eyes to fall on her, “From when you guys were together.”

“You said that she spent years researching this town?” Stefan inquired.

Alaric licked his lips, “Isobel’s research here- Mystic Falls rooted in folk lore and legend at the time, I thought most of it was..” Alaric hesitated to say the next word, “Fiction.”

“Like that amazing vampire story?” Damon asked with a smirk.

“Okay, besides vampires-” I said glancing around towards Damon and Stefan, “What else? What other types of creatures did she research?”

Alaric stared around. As if he was afraid to say the next thing. Although I could see why he cautious about revealing what else Isobel studied. Seeing as though it could bring up thoughts and feeling of the past about his wife.

And we sure didn’t want that.


“Lycanthrope?” I asked aloud as I furrowed my brows, “Like werewolves? Full moon, silver hating, werewolves?”

“No way.” Damon cut in standing up, “Impossible.”

“Is it?” Stefan pressed.

Damon glared at his brother, “I’ve been here for about 160- some what years and I’ve never come across one.”

“Doesn’t mean it isn’t true.” I said.

“Well if werewolves exist.. Where the hell are they?” Damon continued completely ignoring my statement.

Damon did have a point. If there were werewolves in the world, then where were they? But then again if my sister hadn’t fell in love with a vampire which in return brought his older brother along then I wouldn’t have met a vampire.

Or at least… I wouldn’t know someone was one.

“Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?” Alaric asked Damon.

Damon sighed, “Because vervain didn’t affect the mayor on Founder’s Day but the Gilbert device did… And it affected his son- Tyler.”

“And on the night of the school carnival, his uncle, Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fought one of the carnival workers.” Stefan said backing up his brother, “So that suggests some supernatural entity.”

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