✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The Guest

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“Knock, knock.” I smirked skipping into the Salvatore’s Boarding House. They never locked the doors, so it was easy to ‘break in’ to the home.

Damon was sitting in the living room, on the couch. He glanced over his shoulder, once seeing me, he waved me over. Which I happily obliged.

Damon raised a brow, “Aren’t you supposed to be at school?”

“Yes, and I was-” I said with a small smile, “But- I noticed Elena and Stefan weren’t there so, I just so happened to check myself out of school and come here.”

“Well that’s good for me.”

In a flash Damon was behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist as he kissed the soft spot on my neck, causing my knees to feel weak. Only Damon could do these things to me, with only one kiss. I let out a giggle, feeling his warm breath on my neck, causing tickling sensations.

But then at that very moment, Elena came down the stairs. Her hair, her normal straight, but she had a green jacket and skinny jeans on today.

“Good morning Damon.” She said in monotone as she wrapped a designer scarf around her neck, she then looked at me, “Hey Lec.”

I unwrapped myself from Damon and turned to her, “Hey, nice outfit.”

“Thank you.” Elena smirked.

Damon just stared at my sister, his eyes looking her up and down. Not in a sexual way though more like analyzing. In seconds Elena was now pinned to the wall, my eyes widened as I ran towards the two of them.

His hands were wrapped around my sister’s neck. Damon’s eyes were hard as steel, and his jaw was locked. I grabbed Damon’s shoulder trying to pull him away but he shrugged me off.

“What are you doing here?” Damon hissed at Elena, “I told you to leave.”

“Damon stop!” I yelled.

Damon ignored me as Elena gasped, “What is your problem?”

“You’re wearing her clothes? Like that’s going to work.” Damon scoffed.

I ran a nervous hand through my hair, “Let my sister go, Damon!”

“She’s not your sister.”

“You think I’m Katherine?” Elena asked suddenly, giving Damon an almost frightened look, “Why would you think that? Katherine’s in the tomb, isn’t she?”

Damon looked over my sister’s face once more, before taking a step back and releasing her. I went forward and wrapped my arms around Elena giving her a hug, which she returned.

“Katherine is in the tomb.” I said in a strong voice before I raised an eyebrow, “Right?”

“What the hell is going on here?”

I turned towards the voice and saw Stefan coming down the stairs. His eyes locked instantly with my sister’s as we released from our hug.

“I don’t know you tell me, is Katherine in the tomb or not?” Elena questioned.

Stefan’s eyes went blank before he glanced towards the stairs and ran up them. In an instant I ran after him my feet hitting the stairs violently. I had to know if Katherine was really back.

“Electra!” I heard Damon’s voice call, but I ignored him as I finally reached Stefan’s room. Stefan had ’Elena’ pinned up against the wall just like Damon did with the other Elena.

“What are you doing!?”  ’Elena’ insisted  her voice scared.

Stefan’s eyes narrowed, “How could you do this!?”

✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now