✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) New World

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Sequel to : A Melted Heart

I stood next to Bonnie and Elena, as I looked at the list in my hands. Today was Mystic Falls high school annual carnival. Why am I looking at a stupid list of things that has to be organized or done in order for this thing to be a success? Well because Caroline is still in the hospital.

"Katherine looked just like you." Bonnie said to Elena who was looking over my shoulder at the list, "It was freakish."

I scoffed, "Tell me about it. I mean she slipped right under my nose the other night. Trust me I know how much they look alike."

"She is mine and Electra's ancestor." Elena said with a sigh, "Hey where are we moving the student booth Lec?"

"The cafeteria."

"Your vampire ancestor. And she didn't just resemble you, like Electra, she was you." Bonnie explained further to Elena who ripped a bag of stuffed animal prizes out of my hand and then began to put them behind the counter at one of the games.

Elena threw a stuffed animal down, "I- I don't know. I can't explain it." She said with a shrug, "It's creepy, that's all I got."

Annoyed with this conversation about Elena and I's ancestor, I began to help setting the stuffed animals up as well. This better be one heck of a carnival..

"How do you know she's not still out there? Pretending to be you." Bonnie pressed.

"We don't." I said.

"But I could sit here-" Elena said while grabbing another item she needed to set up as she began to walk away, "And be tortured by the not knowing- Or get these prizes to the ring toss."

I looked towards my older sister to see her struggling with opening a bag of the plush toys. So with a roll of an eye, I walked towards her and helped. We ripped the plastic bag open together and well... Continued to set up.

Bonnie sighed, "So have either of you talked to Damon since he almost killed Jeremy?"

Elena instantly tensed up, as I did the same. I really didn't want to discuss this at this particular moment, but I knew that they was only a slight chance that I could avoid answering my witchy friend.

"No Bonnie I haven't." I said turning around to face her. My eyes were probably blazing, and showing how much I was already hating this conversation.

Elena shook her head, "Me either. And I won't. And I'm pretty sure that Electra feels the same and doesn't want to talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire related... okay?"

A smile played at the corners of my lips. At this very moment, I was glad that Elena was annoyed with this conversation like I am. And that she told Bonnie to basically shut up about it, but in nicer terms of course.

"Copy that." Bonnie replied.

And then Elena shoved a bag of animals into my hands. Their fuzzy coats tickling my face, and causing me to sneeze.

I shot her a glare but she ignored me, "I'm human. And I have to do human stuff because other wise I'm going to go crazy."

"Okay.. I'm sorry, I'll focus-" Bonnie apologized to my sister with a small smile, "We have to make Caroline proud or she'll kill us."

"I don't know how she does this all of the time." I said out loud as I let out a small laugh thinking about her neurotic self.  

"Well she's not human... obviously." Elena joked back as she marked something down on the list.

"Obviously." Bonnie giggled.


Later that night, I had met up with Elena and Bonnie yet again. I was actually pretty exhausted today though from all of the setting up and managing for the carnival.

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