✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The Dance of The Century

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Oh my god... Oh my god! I am so sorry readers! I haven't posted in such a long time! It's just I've been trying to figure out what I want to happen in order for season three to work out! Aha. Well here's the next chapter.

I hope you all don't hate me! :O


“Please sign here… and here.” A lawyer instructed Elena and I flipping through the deed of the Salvatore Boarding House. I rolled my eyes growing impatient as I snatched the pen from him and scribbled my name down, Elena did the same.

Bonnie hid her amusement, as the nerdy looking lawyer scratched his head,  I was beyond growing impatient. This guy was taking all day.

“So.. This place is all yours?” Bonnie questioned with a raised brow, “They just gave it to the two of you?”

“For now. As sole owners, we’re the only ones that can invite a certain type of person in here..” Elena explained with a small smile.

I loosened up a bit, “If you catch our drift…”

“I definitely caught it.” Bonnie laughed lightly, “Your own personal safe house.”

“That’s the idea.” Elena agreed.

Bonnie grimaced, “Wouldn’t want to clean it..”

“Yeah no!” I busted out laughing, “That’s so not a part of the deal.”

I glanced around the boarding house, at all of the different knick-knacks from all the decades that mine and Elena’s boyfriends had been around. I would seriously be eighty before I got this place clean.

“Alright ladies, it’s all signed and good. You two are officially the owners of this home.” The lawyer smiled a crooked smile.

Elena then nudged me to say something, with a sigh, I did.

“That you so much sir, it means a lot.” I had a smile plastered on my face, “We’ll show you out.”

The lawyer stood up slowly, and grabbed his brief case and glasses, putting them on. Elena led the way as we showed him to the already open front door. Damon and Stefan were standing outside of the doorway, waiting to be invited inside.

Elena smiled, as the lawyer walked out, “Thank you, Henry.”

I chuckled to myself. So that was his name? Wow, that makes sense. Elena and I then turned and looked at the Salvatore brothers. Both stood there, with raised brows.

“I’m sorry.” Elena apologized sheepishly, “I completely forgot.. Stefan would you like to come inside my house?”

Oh god, Elena had her ‘flirty face on’ causing me to scrunch up my nose.

“I would love to.” Stefan smiled back, stepping inside, “Thank you.”

Elena then looked at Damon her eyes narrowing. I rolled my eyes as Elena stared my boyfriend down.

“What are we twelve?” Damon asked agitated that he hadn’t been invited in yet, he then looked at me, “Electra.”

“Oh, yeah Electra, you take care of… this.” Elena said simply before walking off with Stefan.

“Electra..” Damon smirked, his voice like velvet as he said my name, “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

I smirked, “Why yes of course- Damon won’t you please join me in my home?”

Damon was in the house in a second. His arms snaked their way around my waist as he held me close to him. His breath hit my ear as he leaned down to whisper.

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