✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The Surrender

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Damon was leaning against the couch, staring at the fire. Shirtless. Rose was next to him, in a tank top, and there was a blanket over their lower halves. Rose must have heard me gasp because she looked back at me, and smirked.

She then looked back over to the fire, as if nothing happened.

“D-Damon.” I stuttered my voice shaky and tears threatening to spill. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Damon had slept with Rose. There was no doubt.

Damon heard my voice and then looked back at me, he smirked.

“Hello Electra.”

I stood there frozen as Damon got up from his sitting position.

Rose giggled, “Tell her the truth, Damon.”

“I’ve never loved you Electra. You were just some human I used to get over Katherine.” Damon grinned evilly as he took a few steps towards me, “I mean how could I- Damon Salvatore love a pathetic human like you?”

“How could you?” I whispered out, finally believing that he could never love me, “But I loved you.”

Damon’s voice then turned almost demonic, “I know.”

And then he sprang at me, knocking me on my back. Damon bared his fangs at me as his eyes turned red. He stared down at me, the same malicious smirk on his face.

“Goodbye, Electra-”

End Of Dream

I gasped, my hand flying to my chest as I sat up in bed. It was only a dream… It was only a dream. Well sort of.

I touched my cheeks feeling that they were wet. Uhg, now I’m dreaming of one of the worst nights of my life as a horror movie… Great.

Rolling my eyes, I swung my legs out from under the covers. I knew it was only a dream, even though Damon cheated on me… He would never kill me. Would he?

No he wouldn’t.

I swallowed noticing I was thirsty. I got completely out of bed this time, wobbling slightly as I reached my door and headed into the hallway. And then I heard a crash coming from somewhere.

Walking around to go and check it out, I soon heard footsteps behind me. I spun around on my heal and gasped at what I saw.. It would scar me in some sort of way I’m sure.

“Alaric?” I breathed out as I took his appearance in.

Alaric was in the middle of my hallway in only his boxers… And messy hair- sex hair? Ew! He was also holding a bowl in his hands, and I think there was ice cream in it.

“Electra…” Alaric replied awkwardly.

I cleared my throat, “Sorry, I uh heard something- well that and I was uh thirsty.”

Alaric chuckled and looked down at the floor. Oh god! Why? When I’m at home! Why me?

Jenna joined the two of us soon and she didn’t look too good either. She had major, dare I say it- sex hair. And was in what I believe was Alaric’s shirt.

“Sorry.” Jenna apologized sheepishly, “That was us.”

“We didn’t think anyone was up.” Alaric explained.

“But here you are, and we’re here.” Jenna said nervously as she ran a hand through her hair.

I shook my head, “I wasn’t, I had a bad dream is all.”

“Oh…” Jenna said glancing around while biting her lip, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Nah….I’m good.”

✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now