✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) Memories

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Lockwood Mansion, 1864 (3rd Person POV)

“Look who found his dancing shoes.” Katherine Pierce mused as she held her right hand up and went around in a circle with none other than Stefan Salvatore at the Founder’s Ball.

Stefan Salvatore smiled and then leaned forward slightly. His gloved hand touched with Katherine’s own as he leaned in towards her flawless face. Almost as if he were desiring a kiss.

“Ah, Ah, Ah.” Katherine scolded shaking a gloved finger, “No touching Mister Salvatore those are the rules.”

Stefan chuckled, lifting his left hand up, “I thought you didn’t believe in rules.”

Katherine just giggled as they went around again. Stefan then glanced to the far right corner of the large room, to see his brother. Damon Salvatore. Damon was standing there staring at his brother and of course lovely Katherine longingly. For he wished he was the one dancing with Katherine.

“My brother seems still upset that you chose me to escort you.” Stefan said to Katherine with a small smile. He was almost happy that his brother was saddened about this- as long as he got Katherine.

“Well Damon needs to concede that his younger brother is a better dancer.” Katherine continued with a giggle. Then both her and Stefan raised both of their hands before going around again, “Ah-” Katherine said looking at Damon, “Looks like he’s found someone to occupy his time.”

Stefan glanced over to where his older brother stood to be shocked. Damon was standing no longer alone- but with twenty-first century Electra Gilbert. Electra was in jeans and a blue v-neck shirt as Damon- was in his dress robes from the late 1800’s. They were holding hands romantically, as they gazed into one another’s eyes.

Stefan felt his happy facial expression slip away as it became more and more confused. He looked over to the right of Damon and Electra to see Elena. Elena drinking what looked like champagne with Matt Donovan. They were both laughing and having a good time, like they did before Stefan took her from him. Matt kissed Elena’s cheek making her blush, and Stefan’s jaw hardened.

Katherine smirked as she watched Stefan. Stefan then took a step forward, “Elena.” He said but Katherine put a hand on his chest stopping him.

“Stefan don’t.” Katherine said, but Stefan shrugged her off and walked past his old lover. Electra, Damon, Matt, and Elena then disappeared through a doorway. And Stefan followed wanting to get to the bottom of what was happening.

“Elena!” Stefan called again walking through the door that they had just all went through to now be in the Mystic Grill. He looked down on himself to see that he was now in his normal clothes. Stefan smiled slightly, he must have just been day-dreaming.

Stefan looked around the room to see Electra and Damon at one of the pool tables. They were stealing secret kisses as Elena stood next to them. Not even seeming to notice what they were doing. Elena stared at what looked like Stefan with a grin.

Elena then offered her pool stick with a smile, “It’s your turn.”

Stefan’s smile magnified for a quick second until he saw who she was talking to. Matt appeared out of no where. A fresh cola in hand as he walked towards her with a boyish smile.

“Ready to lose?” Matt asked with a chuckle as Electra and Damon looked up, both of them smirked but didn’t say anything.

When Matt finally approached Elena, he leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth. Elena blushed slightly, but kissed back willingly as Stefan’s whole face dropped. He felt as if he were stabbed in the stomach, he would have rather have been staked.

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