✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) As You Lay Dying

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The Finale of A Sacrifice For Love! :D

My chest heaved up and down as I paced back and forth. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't possible... Elijah said-

"Damn it!" I hissed kicking the dirt around my grave. The brown particles went flying as I ground my teeth impatiently. My head was pounding and I could already feel the hunger setting in.

I ran a nervous hand through my hair, the inevitable setting in. I would have to feed- I would have to kill someone. I knew for a fact I wouldn't be able to stop once I had started.

Thoughts of Vicki and Caroline entered my mind. I grimaced, they were so blood thirsty. Could I actually own up to that? No. I didn't want to be around my family and friends in that state. I want my real memory- the real me to be the only one they see. Not me as a vampire- ruthless and arrogant.

Glancing around I looked at the graves around me-

Jenna. My eyes watered instantly. I had promised her that I wouldn't let her die. I had promised! And I broke it. Flat out, I let her die. If I hadn't gotten involved with all of the vampires then she might still be here.

I knelt down the her grave, my back arching as I sobbed silently. Gripping the tombstone tightly, I felt myself shake. She was always there for me- no matter what. I let her die.

Looking over as I wiped my face roughly, I saw John's grave. John- had died to? How? Thoughts flooded my mind. I thought out all of the possibilities as to how, but they weren't clear.

Why did he have to die, too? I mean- even if he wasn't the best person he didn't deserve death. All this time he was trying to protect me, save me from being damned. Like I am now.

I had become the exact thing that my birth father hated most. A vampire. By my own choice too. If Damon hadn't given me blood forcibly, I was still planning on going to Elijah. What kind of a daughter am I?

Guilt. It ate me alive, as I sat there solemnly. I was unable to move for the time being. That is until a light was shined into my eyes. I looked up with a squint. Slowly the producer of light moved it to the side.
A man stood before me, average height- older. His glasses hung loosely as he looked down at me. His glare pierced through me, but I didn't care. Why would I?

"Nobody's allowed her after visiting hours." His gruff voice scolded lightly as I slowly stood up to reach his eyes, "Dawn to dusk. What don't you teenagers understand about that huh?"

"My apologies, sir."

The man then reached forward and grabbed me roughly, "You're coming with me."

"Let go of me!" I demanded pushing him. He stumbled back falling to the ground. My eyes widened. I didn't mean to push that hard.

"Stupid kids." He muttered standing up once again and wiping his hand on his pants. He continued to mutter to himself as I smelt something- delicious, "Damn branch cut me."

My eyes instantly were drawn to the man's right hand. There a single drop of blood oozed out. It was only a small cut, but I was memorized by it. Instantly I could hear a heart beat in my head. And it wasn't mine.

Reaching forward, I grabbed his hand, "What are you doing?!" he insisted.

"Wouldn't want it to get infected, now would we?" I asked never looking up. I had no control over my body. I could feel myself bringing the hand towards my mouth. The thirst burned my throat.

Bringing his hand to my mouth I licked the cut, before being pushed back. I was thrown back into my tomb stone. I landed with a thud.

"You're sick!" He bellowed, "You need help... I'll take you to the hospital-" The man began to ramble.

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