✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) Killing Katherine

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Mystic Grill (3rd Person POV)

“Do you need a table?” Matt Donovan asked Caroline Forbes impatiently as she stood there staring at him. She had been stalking Matt lately, just to make sure he was okay.

She shook her head, “No, I’m not staying-” She looked around for an excuse, “I just needed… to use the little girls room.”

Matt nodded, with a doubtful expression on his face, as Caroline left the center of the grill to ‘pretend’ that she was using the little girls room. Walking into the bathroom, she went strait to the mirror and shook her head.

Caroline couldn’t believe that she was that stupid. Was that really the best excuse she could think of?

The bathroom? Really?

Then out of the corner of Caroline’s eyes, she saw a figure behind her. She looked up into the mirror to see a woman- brown eyes, and curly long hair that fell just below her breasts.

“Elena.” Caroline stated, as she stared at the woman through the mirror.

“Hey, I saw you with Matt. Are you okay?” Elena asked with concern clearly in her voice.

Caroline shrugged it off, “Yeah… yeah, whatever.”

And then in a blink of an eye, Caroline used her vampire speed trying to speed out of the bathroom. But ‘Elena’ stepped in her way with a smirk, playing at her pink lips.

“Your good.” Katherine complimented, “What gave me away? Was it my hair, or was it my clothes?”

Katherine then began to back Caroline into a wall.

“I know Elena’s-” Caroline was cut off as she hit the wall, “I know Elena’s at home.”

“I need you to deliver a message.” Katherine said to a practically shaking Caroline, “Tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone. Or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood.”

Caroline gulped as Katherine continued, rocking back and forth on her feet.

“Tonight.” Katherine stated, “At the masquerade ball.”


Electra’s POV

Matt had an arm wrapped around Jenna, as we walked her into the house. She was still very sore…from the incident. That and we didn’t want her stitches to get ripped out.

“Easy.” Matt cautioned Jenna, “Grab the door Jer.”

“Hey stop fussing, I’m fine.” Aunt Jenna insisted with a small smile. I rolled my eyes at her, she never did like help.

I shook my head, “No your not.”

“The doctors said that you have to take it easy.” Elena instructed as we began to walk her over to the couch. Well- Matt did.

Jeremy shut the door.

“Yeah, you don’t want to rip your stitches, hemorrhage and die, alright?” Jeremy asked following in behind us.

“Yeah.” Jenna rolled her eyes, “The only thing I’m going to die from is embarrassment.”

“I don’t think anyone has died from that…” I mused with a smile, “You’d be in the world records book Aunt Jenna.”

Elena smacked my arm and whispered, “Stop teasing her.”

“Just trying to lighten the mood.” I shrugged.

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