Chapter 10

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"How long have I been here?" I ask the women that told me her name is Sara. "Well it's been a few days."

"What about the Second Chance for Revival program? When does that start. I'm still in right? What about my brother? Can I see him?" I look at Sara searching for an answer. She holds all her emotions in side very well, "You are still part of the program. Also you were not the only one attacked. The whole program is still set to leave on time though. Your brother and you are still revived members. He's around here somewhere I don't think you two are well enough yet." A tear runs down my face. "Oh please Sara. Please I just want to see him." She gets up to leave, "I'll see what I can arrange." She winks at me. A large smile breaks through my face.


The door opens a few hours later. Sara rushes in side. "Hello dear. Now let's see if we can make this possible. Tell me if anything hurts. Can you feel your legs?" I take a moment calculating my answer. "My head still hurts. Nothing to bad though. I can feel my legs." I tell her. She nods. "Can you make it on your own. Try standing." The needle has been disconnected since yesterday. I pull myself to the edge of the bed. I drop myself down to the ground slowly. My feet touch an ice cold surface which sends a chill up my body. Before I know it I'm standing on the ground. It makes my head race and my vision blur. I fight through it. I have to see Kile.

"Ok come along. You have made it this far." Sara tells me as she pulls me down a hallway. I figured out I can walk fine the only problem is my head. She opens a door. Inside the room sits my brother on a hospital bed similar to mine. He see me right away. His face is full of scars, bruises, and cuts. I hug him close to me. "Are you ok?" I ask him quickly. He nods, "yeah I'm alright. Broke my elbow though. What about you? Where's mom and dad?" I look in to his worry filled eyes, "I have a bit of a head ache. I know they are alive no idea where though."

This is when I remember Sara is in the room. "You parents are doing just fine. You two specifically should be able to leave by tomorrow if we planned this correctly. If Mister Kile can stand we can try to visit them." Sara never even finishes the statement before my brothers' legs are swung over the bed. He stands for a minute and than began walking. He clearly is not having as much of a mental problem as me. His elbow in a dark gray cast cradled close to him. Sara leads the way to an elevator. Which we go up two floors. My brother talks the whole time about which parent we will see first. I strongly believe it's going to be dad. He disagrees and thinks it's going to be Mom.

I peek into the room with my brothers head a few inches below me. My mom laid sleeping in a hospital bed with my father sitting next to her. He jumps up and crushes Kile and me in a huge hug. "I been trying to get to your rooms. They would not let me." He chuckles happily. We laugh back just glad to see him. "Hmmm how's Mom." I motion to her. He shrugs, "She's alright. They say she will be better. She got a lot of Ultra Violent exposure." He told us as though he was not completely convinced. Sara leaves the room. My father brings us to a bench.

"Are you two alright? Kile did you break your arm." His worry shows all over his face. "Dad it's my elbow actually but I'm good." My brother answers. All eyes land on me, "Well umm I look alright. But I have horrible headaches all the time." His expression changes quickly. "That's weird hopefully they will go away. Your moth...." His comment was interrupted by mom's eyes opening. "Unyverse and Kile come here." She held out her hands. We embraced her. "Mom I missed you are you ok?" I ask her quietly. "Yes dear I'm fine. We all are. We have to be ready to go to the capital by tomorrow. How are you two?" My father steps in here. "Kile has a broken elbow and Unyverse has headaches constantly." He explains to my mother. She nods, "Unyverse they should stop soon I would think. Kile that's honesty going to heal so that's good."

Sara walks back in. She grabs us and escorts us out of the room. We first stop at Kile's room and then head back to mine. "Well miss Unyverse I had all your luggage from the limo brought up here. Here's more medicine for the head aches. We need to practice walking more." She holds out a mirror. I look at my face I don't recognize the girl. Her face over all dull and filled with bruises. But most of the cuts and bruises are gone and close to it. "We will put this paste on the cuts that are left. No way I'm letting you leave tomorrow with cuts and bruises on your face. I'll be back." I smile sheepishly.

I go through my bags to make sure everything is there. My books, chess sets, cloths, and everything else is accounted for. Next to my bag is the cloths I was wearing on the day of the crash. I reach into the pocket of my jeans. There's a folded paper inside of it. One I know I never put there.

Dear Unyverse,
You could say we caused the crash. But we have reasons to do so. You could also say we saved you. You needed to get this letter. Being revived is not what you think. The SCR program is not what it seems. You are someone special. We can't put everything in this letter. We will see you soon. Be very careful.

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