Chapter 14

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Dear U,
Day after bomb
Meet same place as bomb
At midnight
Please bring no one

My head is clouded with possibilities and uncompleted mysteries. The letter is sloppily written and difficult to read. Why do people keep purposely seeking me out? How could I possibly be that valuable for? I stuff the paper back in my pocket. A knock sounds on the door. Spruce excitedly wags his tail knocking my things on to the ground.

I open the door and find my brother. "Hey, Unyverse. Have you heard the news!" He slowly trots in while cradling a blanketed bundle. He places it on the ground and a very small little fur ball stumbles out. Which I recognize as his husky puppy he received yesterday. "It's about the ship. They announced this morning that it's completed." My mouth drops open and stays at a gape. "Wha..t that's great news. I mean it's really happening we are leaving here." Kile grins childishly, "I know, I know! We are leaving in two days! TWO DAYS!" He repeats giddy with excitement. "Plus I named my puppy Dragon. Your know like the imaginary ones in books." I look down at little Dragon and pet him. "Very good choice. I named mine Spruce."


The rest of the day I spend playing games with my family. Because it's well known that if we are leaving in today that makes tomorrow the last day to see them. I can't keep my mind from thinking about tonight. Oh course I have to go and see for myself what exactly is happening. Especially after what happened last night and the hidden warnings the man gave me. "We can't have revived members doing as they please." Which must be a warning of some sort. If I'm going to make it out I can't be caught and no one must know. There's no doubt in my mind that I will bring Spruce.

I slowly eat dinner. My parents are having a conversation. My thoughts are flooded with ideas and possibilities. Spruce happily sits at my side licking up scrapes and what ever I can slip him. After finishing there is a quick meeting held for the revived members.

"Welcome Revived as we have already announced in two days time we will send you off to your new planet. Yes yes very exciting. Let me also make you aware of the upsetting truths. With this being said tomorrow you will be saying your final good byes to your families. Which means as of tomorrow no one can drop out of the Second Chance for Revival program. If I may ask is that everyone please follow all rules of our facility. We care for your lives and respect you please respect us. Thank you everyone for the last minute meeting. Off to your rooms. Good night." A women tepidly explains. Her face never changes through out her speech even through our cheers. She never lets up. As my brother and I are walking back I explain to him how I'm going to bed a bit early and to leave me alone. He agrees and dashes to my parents room.

I unlock my door and walk in. Spruce frantically sprints around the room. He settles down on my bed. I walk around my room trying to organize everything. Spruces rich black eyes follow me in observation. I pile all my dirty cloths into a bag marked "Uncleaned cloths R367" which I open up a small door in the kitchen and throw it down. All of my personal items are nicely fit into my bag along with Spruce's new toys. Spruce's eyes watch me intently and start to resemble worry. He gets up and whines. I reassuringly pet him.

Once it's pitch black outside I quietly push my door open. Spruce and I pad down the hallway to the same exit from last night. My eyes land on the EXIT sign floating in the air. Before I can open it I hear loud boots slamming against the floor. I rush to the wall and bring Spruce with me. There's an open archway that I pull Spruce into. We wait in an empty room. BAP BAP BAP. I continue to hear the footsteps. The footsteps turn just one room after us. I take the chance and quietly tiptoe over the end. Spruce and I slip out the door. My hair is pushed behind my shoulders. A chill goes up my back. Spruce happily sprints ahead. I close the door very careful. I stay in the shadows of the trees.

Spruce comes back over to me once he is satisfied with himself. I'm almost to the same spot I was yesterday. But then I remember I never known where the real bomb took place. It must be close to where I am. I watch a dark shadow land on this side of the fence followed by more. Spruce immediately notices and starts barking. I hold him back. I continue to hide behind the tree.

When some one from behind me grabs me. They pull me away from the scene. I try to scream but cloth is inside my mouth. I watch as Spruce is captured and stuffed inside a sack. Before I can see me attackers a black cloth is tied around my eyes blocking my vision. I struggle and fight to escape but it's no use.

Finally we stop and I'm pushed down into a chair. Where I'm tied to the chair. The cloth I'm my mouth comes out. "LET ME GO! I ...." Before I can finish a nothing thing stops my voice. "Dear dear Unyverse Harvist it's alright. I'm glad you received our note. We are the RLM. Which stands for something know as The Rebellion of Lives Matters. Which says all in its own that we care for each and everyone's lives. Welcome Unyverse to our world. We believe you will be helpful to us and we will be able to help you. What do you say Unyverse?" The very professional looking woman. Everything about her outfit says I'm in change. I swallow hard. "Where's Spruce? Why would I agree to work with people that have kidnapped me? How can I trust you?" The woman chuckles evilly, "because my dear you are not given a choice."

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