Chapter 13

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I try to roll over but I'm stopped by a large solid object. I immediately flex upwards. A slobbery wet lick meets my face. I giggle childishly. I notice it's dark outside instantly. My dog starts whining. I don't know what to do why would he wake me this late at night? Than I answer my own question he has to go outside. I leash him up and open the door expecting to see the guard outside but there's no one there. Well at least now I can walk him all on my own. I think to myself. I blindly walk down the hallway knowing that an exit must be near by, in case of an emergency. I spot an lighted EXIT sign and push it open.

A cool early morning breeze rushes past me. It is winder and colder than I would have though.  My unnamed Golden/German Shepard mix seems to be enjoying himself. There is no walkway so we walk around trees and through the lawn. I go back to the door but it locked itself. It takes awhile before I can actually find a guard. But it's not just one there is a large group. I mentally began to decide if I should go over to them to ask for help back to my room but I really don't want to go in yet. Before I can make a decision a loud bang startles me.

The ground starts to shake rapidly. I fall face first in to the ground. My ears ring loudly. My eyes won't focus. I can't tell what's happening. I feel dog's soft fur next to me. I hear barking far in the distance. Perhaps there's more dogs? I think stupidly. My brain is functioning very slowing but I start to recognize yelling. UNYVERSE!! UNYVERSE!! I smile to myself.

"What makes me different than you?" A young girl asks an older wiser man. "Well you see young child. You were meant to do great things, young girl." The girl looks up to the man. "Everyone does great things don't they. I'm not the only one?" The man looks puzzled but not for long. "You will do different great things. But I believe your greatest power is your personality. Full of kindness, strength, wonder, independence, and most importantly dreamth." The girl confused, "Why?" The man chuckles and grins, "Why child, you just showed me without knowing. But it is the ability to question what other don't my dear. Which you often do. One day you will see. My dear, Unyverse." The man strokes the young girls sun touched hair.

Loud voices shout angry commands around me. I can't tell how far away they are. My eyes search my surroundings for any bit of explanation I can find. My eyes land on my dog barking madly as the group of people run. I watch them frantically jump over the tall fences which many of them get stuck on. A piece of folded paper lands in my hand I quickly tuck in my pocket.

Bright lights turn on all around me from the capital building. I listen as doors fly open and shouting voices ring. My dog runs back up to me to lick me. Spruce. I grin proudly at my dog. The guards frantically ran out and towards me. They scramble to grab me and cage Spruce. I am to weak to fight it.

First we are brought to a mini hospital room where nurse shimmy around me and ask many question. The guards wait at the doors. Spruce is the cage in the corner of the room barking and whining frantically. Once the nurses are satisfied that I am unharmed and ready to go the guards snatch me. I find myself in a very professional looking old timey court room. These were build before our government was over through and now has a strong oligarchy system. I think they were used for settling  problems when both sides thought their were right.

"Miss Unyverse Leah Harvist, dear how do you end up here at this hour of day?" The man that must be in change asks from behind a desk. "Well umm.. Sir. I was only out side because Spruce, my dog, needed to use the restroom. I walked out and there was no guard at my door, but Spruce needed to get out side." The mans facial express changes oddly and unreadable. "Very well, Miss Harvist I do believe you. Did you by chance see anyone else out side or anything that could have caused the bomb." I answered quickly and efficiently, "Actually I did see a group of people. They resembled guards and  that was what Spruce was barking at." I could almost see the puzzle pieces of this man's brain come together. "Oh how very interesting. Thank you for telling me this I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But please follow the rules here. I hope you are wise and decide to stay away from incidents such as these. We can't have revived members doing as they please. Thank you Miss Harvist for your time. Release the dog." I dash over to Spruce's cage as he comes out he happily wags his tail and slobbers all over me.

It's been a while. I will update more though these next weeks. I hope you are enjoying this story so far. More fun is on the way:)
~ Marisa ._,

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