Chapter 16

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The next morning my brother and I silently ate breakfast. The whole day we played nonstop chess games. Mostly to take our minds off of the whole situation. We also took our dogs on a walk around the capital building's personal park where we met other Revived members.

The only times we talked it was about what the ship would be like. We mused all of this aloud. We all know that take-off would be later today. Every where we went there was an air of mixed excitement and emptiness. As if every single person is missing a large piece of their life. 


"All Revived members please meet at the grand hall. Please have all bags packed and ready to depart. Thank you." The women over the announcements asked us.

I went to my room. I collected all my things. Spruce franticly looking around in confusion. He follows me around afraid to let me out of his sight. Once I'm finished I find Kile at the door with his puppy adorably sleeping in his arms. Spruce had a leash even though I don't believe he needs it. Just before I leave I take one last look at my room and sling my backpack over my shoulders the maids dash in and grab my black bag.

Once we reach the grand hall they serve us a meal. As we are they announce the evening activities. "Well first lucky Revival members we will be launching today. A celebration all in its own. First our staff will load all of your bags which have already been collected. We will have camera crews arrive soon for finally interviews. While all of this happening we will have Revived members being pulled away and brought to loading areas. Thank you and have a good afternoon." The man tepidly expressed. My brother and I too giddy to sit still and we  talked of crazy fantasies.

About an hour later after many interviews (apparently I am a hot top to the public specifically because of Spruce). My brother picked out a lot as well. Just as I finish another one of my interviews a guard comes up to me and leads me away. I gladly follow happy to get farther from the interviewers. The guard stops roughly and I nearly run into him. I asked him early about my brother but he shrugged and never answered. I assumed I would see him soon anyway. Spruce stayed close to me as we traveled an never ending path.

The guide ushered me into a room without a number on it. As I walked in the door closed be hind me. The light that had once been on was not off. I could not see a thing. I felt for Spruce but he was not there. I started to panic. Spruce was just beside me a moment ago. Now I was stuck in a pitch black dark room and I had no idea were my brother was. I reached my hand for the door but it was jammed. I crept around the room. Mostly searching for a light switch. It was not a very big space. I did not travel far until I reached another door. I tried the door though it was useless.

After a few circles around the room I settled down on the floor farthest from the doors. I figured this must be some sort of holding tank that's all. I falsely assured myself. I would have Spruce and my brother back soon.


Red is they symbol of love. The color of brightness. It inspires happiness. Always first. Follow it to find the rest. Red

Red resembles death. The color causes sadness. It boils inside. It flows when weak. Follows tragedy. Brings devastation. Red


Click. Bang. Voices. My eyes flashed open. I started at the door way only long enough to watch a young girl stubble in. The door slammed shut once again. I was afraid to speak. I heard the girl began to cry. In the darkness I wanted so badly to help. I did not know how to let the girl know she was not alone.

Sniff. I hoped it would alert her. I was right it did. "Wh.. Who's th...ere?" She took in air fast and sniffled as she cried.

"I'm Unyverse Harvist a Revived member. I just wanted to ask if you were o.." I stubbled she snipped quickly. "Oh no. No no no. You are not Revived. None of us are. This is all a sick joke. Don't you get it you are locked up because your not going any where. The ship left 45 minutes ago. No one cares. No one will ever know you did not go. No one will go looking for you. Welcome to the real world."

My mouth just dropped and it stayed there. I could not control it in anyway. As if it was not mine. We sat in darkness for awhile. I was completely convinced I had been there for years. Before the door finally opened.

"Unyverse Harvist and Tiza Kwil please step out side." A demanding voice sounded. I plodded out. My face full of confusion and anger. I wanted the truth and I wanted answers. There was four man out side the door. Once I stepped into the light my eyes franticly flickered and began to a just.

The men chucked cruelty. "Well don't you two look like you have been having fun." I scrolled my eye brows.

"Where's my brother and my dog!" I spat at them full of boiling hatred pumping through my veins. They chuckled even more.

"Oh sweet heart. This is no longer the Revived program. Welcome to Deviver little ladies." He spoke the last word longer than normal and it jumped a million degrees hotter in my mind.

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