Chapter 21

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I stand on a large black eye in a very white clear cut room. A loud cranking chain sounds over me. I look up quickly just in time to see a clear semi-circle lowers itself perfectly around me. Creating a dome.

Once it secures itself around me. A voice sounds, "Welcome Unyverse Leah Harvist. Your testing you about to take will fulfill part one of five Mental Capacity tests. Rules: complete the task as fast as possible. Now please stand still as the we scan you."

The thought of being scanned was a little scary. What were they scanning for. But I stood still.

"Thank you. Prepare for the beginning."

The doom suddenly fills with images of color. My mind races beautiful shades of many things. Underneath me turns to dull golden straw. When I step it makes crunching sounds. The sky is the brightest shade of blue. Surrounding me in the field appears other figures I can't make out.

Strangely enough they are all still black and white. I squint my eyes. Colorless figures walk in a colorful world. I can't spot anyone I know. A voice inside my head spoke, "Run." I started running. I had no idea to where but I was sprinting.

I could barely catch my breathe. I noticed I was not sweating as any normal person would. All I could see was dull dry grass. Every step grew into a continuous annoying crunching. I was finally relieved to spot a murky body of water. Though I was not thirsty I felt the need of diving into it.

I leaped into it. Water rushed all around me. I could feel the cold chill of the icily water. My head surfaced the crisp air. To my surprise no longer was their a field instead a house stood in flames. It was all to familiar for me. I heard screaming. I swam to shore and rushed to the distant house. I finally reached it and throw my hand on the door. But my hand only went through it. I tried again still no use. I looked to the right and suddenly noticed my house next to this one. This one was his house. I still could not remember his name.

My thoughts were interrupted by a scream from my house I say a young version of me run out of the door. Screaming and crying uncontrollably. A younger version of my father dashes out after me. He does not yell my name in fear it will cause unwanted attention to our house being the next to burn. I felt a warm tear rolls down my cheek. My father grabs the younger version of me. I kick and scream. I get close enough to see my little red face streaming wet tears.

Once the younger version of my father and me are gone I creep around the house searching for a way in. On my search I notice a group of shadows in the distance. I get close enough to hear them speak.

"Where's mom? Dad we can't leave mom. She's in there. Daddy no please." A young voice begs. His father puts his large hand over the young boys face.

The larger shadow scoops up the little shadow and rushes away. Another shadow leads them. I try to follow them but am stopped by a barrier of some sort. I finally find a way into the burning house. The moment I step inside everything disappears around me.

I return to the clear glass dome. Tears rolling down my face. I can barely stand. Everything hits me at once. Images flash through my mind.

"Unyverse Leah Harvist please remain still and relax. It will feel strange as we disconnect our connection.... Thank you please wait for the dome to completely rise before stepping out."

I waited as the dome disappeared above me. I was now pouring sweat. I was also shaking. My brain felt like mush.

I stepped out of the door into a long hallway. Others were leaving as well. My stomach hungrily moaning for food. I walked towards the cafe. People eyed me strangely. My hair felt like it was a mess. Everyone looked the same as me overwhelmed with new information.

Tyzon was no where is sight. I did spot Leit in the corner where he normally sat. I bravely dropped my trap of questionable food down in front of him. He looked up. I watched a sly smile rise up to the surface of his face.

"Don't get to excited," I smugly told him. He released a inner booming chuckles. It was funny to listen to him laugh.

"What exactly happened the last time we meet?" I spat at him.

His face changed to an unreadable emotion. "What? I don't remember anything."

I moved my head back and forth, "No. You do remember liar. Tell me what was going on."

He looked at me with sad eyes, "Can't." He got up and walked away.


That night I stared at the ceiling for awhile. My mind was still rushing from that morning. What ever that testing was. I messed with my brain. It was pretty amazing the type of technology that was used. But not so much when it was being used on me.

I really hated the fact that they could control us all like that. But I was clashing with the thought that I got to see colors again. That's been a dream for me. It was so real. I wanted so bad to see them all one more time.

Another thought was he was alive. I have thought forever he was dead. Why did his father have to take him and leave his mother? Something was really strange about this story. Another thought was could I even trust it. Was it all a made up seen in my mind? Or was it fake information just to set me off? It took for ever for me to find sleep.


Loud sirens sounded that woke me from my sleep. I leaped up. Tyzon faced me.

"WHATS HAPPENING!" I screamed. Tyzon just pulled me along after him. We weaved around other panic full  people.

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