Chapter 11

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"Why are all these people here?" I question. The women across from me answers, "To see the Revived members. They are our future. The only thing we have to look forward to." Her whole face seems a little too perfect to me. I grin back to satisfy her. But really the only thing I can think about right now is what RLM could stand for. I have thought of many possibilities but the truth is no matter what I can think of no name will ever make sense to me. I could have already figured it out with out even knowing it exists.

Kile's finger points at a distance object far below us. "Look! Look!" I crane my head to look out the window. I notice immediately a huge blob that must be a large mass of people all surrounding a very modern all white mansion. I have never seen the capital but there is no doubt in my mind this is it. As we get closer as does the ground. I can see the landing route. It's centered just right so I will have to walk through crowds of people to even think about getting to the capital. The plane launches into the ground. There's a slight jerk. Than we roll to a stop.

"Attention Harvist family." The loud speakers command us. "I need everyone to grab their belongings. If the Revival members can be first that would be great. Thank you for riding with us." My brother and I scrabble to collect our possessions. I make it to the door first with him right behind him. The women (from earlier) and two other man there. "Now Miss Unyverse. You must stay with me at all times this can be a bit umm.. difficult. We will make sure you make it through. You will be announced first. Do what you would like to greed the crowd. Ok, got it. Now Mister Kile. You will be announced second stay near this nice gentleman next to me. Mr. and Mrs. Harvist if you will kindly follow us and stay near this fine gentleman."

I walk out first the crowd cheers, hoots, and chants my name. Some one distance announces my name loudly. I smile proudly. But I really have no idea what else to do. The women behind me whispers in my ear, "wave." I lift my hand awkwardly. I move it side to side hoping this is what everyone wants. The crowd cheers louder. Once I'm all the way down the stairs. The women behind me steps in to help guide me through the enormous crowd of people. The crowd tries to grab me and they hold their hands out. Some even have little notebooks with cute pens to write with. I can hear my brother behind me. I stop to sign a young girl's notebook. She giggles happily. It makes me laugh too.

When we finally reach the gates to the capital the gates slowly open. A large amount of security steps outside of the gates to keep the crowd out. We are pushed in. Once I'm in another women snatches me and rushes me inside through a side door. A man is waiting in the entrance. "Welcome to the capital of your country and capital of Second Chance for Revival program." My brother is pulled in next through another door. The man repeats him self again. Through another door my mother and father are brought in. "Now let's you guys to your room and checked out." He winks and leaves. I recognize him as the country's president.

The women leads us up stairs to put our baggage down. She tells us some one will put them in our rooms later. For now we must follow her. She walks us through high tech security measures machine. Once we finish she brings us up to our rooms. She stops first at my room.

"Now please note there will be no wondering. You must stay in your room at all times. Ring this bell if you need anything. Remember you will only be staying here until the ship is completely ready to go." She starts out of the room before I intervene. "What if I want to see my family?" She turns around, "well you are not supposed to. What if I told you this? I'll tell your stationed outside your door. He can bring you to them when you wish." I nod, "okay yeah that works. They can visit me to right?" She nods and leaves.

I'm left in a massive apartment style room. It's way to large for just one person. I have a personal bathroom, one big bedroom, and a living room with couches. Before I can even sit down my brother enters the room. "Well it's honestly really boring here." I laugh, "yes it is. Let's start making this more like home." I start unpacking my books on to a table in my bedroom. I take some of my cloths and put them into the dresser. Once we finish we go to his room and organize his room. We than check up on our parents.

Later that evening dinner is brought to our rooms. My brother and I eat in our parents apartment at a beautifully designed black wooden table. I head back to my room. Where my guard tells me that he was informed to tell me. "Tomorrow will be a early morning wake up call. Please be ready." Afterwards I go to my room to sleep.

I watch myself run. I'm sprinting hard in the woods and dodging trees. Of a place that's familiar but I can't remember it. Others are behind me. They become closer and closer. Than up a head I see fire burning through a house. I continue to run. I try to warn myself of the rising danger. When I reach the building I stop. I'm about to dodge around it when I hear a scream from inside. I watch myself turn to run inside. The people chasing me stop. At the entrance and chuckle evilly. I throw doors open in the house to find anything. I can't find any sign of life. When I reach a balcony. I step on to it. The dream shifts to something different. I'm standing on a cliff now. I turn to run the other way far away from the distant cliff. But a car comes and pushes me closer and closer to the edge. Until I fall...

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