Chapter 18

17 2 0

Unyverse Harvist #625 (brother Kile)
Female 17
Group 29
Ashburn: division Mist

I read over these words many times. Most of it made no sense. I might be the 625 person to go through. I'm 17 years old. What was Group 29 or better yet what is Ashburn or division Mist. I stubbled down the hallway following the rest of  the group.

All of our eyes had the same distant look. We have been broken. Separated from our families and never again we any of my family look for us especially seen in right under their noses. It's like we are invisible and no one ever know we were there. I felt empty and abandoned by all humanity. I was going to die a painful unknown death and I chose it. We all were.


I awake the following morning to violent shaking. My eyes flash open. My cold stare burns the only eyes I can see. "Shh. Come." A low man's voice speaks and he pulls me out of the room. I hope he remembers my stare because I have no idea where we are going. "Why can't I know where we are going?" I question passionately. He never responds. My curiosity is to much to handle so I continue to follow him. We make a sharp turn and than right before me is the same women from before  on stage the leader of Second Chance for Revival program.

"Hello dear Unyverse Harvist. Please do come in." I'm roughly pushed into the room. Then down on to a metal chair which feels very cold against my body. Before any sound comes from my voice and cloth forbids me.

"How are you this evening? Doing well I presume. Well we have business to take care of. I had to do with your dog. I was thinking it would be interesting to see you battle in the physical competition with him. What do you call him? Does not matter any way. Now you have had a very interesting past haven't you. I'll be very careful if I were you." She whispers in my ear and walks straight out of the room.


After wards I'm taken straight to the breakfast area. Where I'm informed of our testing today which is mental intelligence.

I walk in to a very clean cut room. All pure white with no contrast once so ever. Ever square inch is clear, clean, and perfect. It gives me a very calming feeling. I feel emotionless and relaxed. I find a desk with my name on it. I stare amazed at all the perfectly designed rooms.

After a few minutes most of the seats began to fill. A boy to my right which I would guess is a few years younger than me but older than my brother. His hair appears deep white with bits of darker strands of hair. I would guess it would be a golden brown shade. I girl in front of me is definitely older than me. Her curls twirl around as she moves her head. I feel a sudden stare on my back. I began to feel uncomfortable and decide to move my head around. A few seats behind me and to my right a boy about my age. His hair neatly cut. His eyes dig into mine. I look away quickly.

A woman passes out small tablets to each of us. She instructs us to have our fingers scanned and our faces identified. She tells us to do our best and our test begins.


Amber eyes, Golden fur, blue sky, pink smiles, orange flowers, sun rays, pale tides, purple scars, red blood, clear eyes, deep sky, colorless universes....

Once I finish my final question I drop the tablet down. I must have feel asleep for a bit.

I become very bored very quickly. I began to search the room for mistakes. And find none. I scan all the people in the room. I find the boy from my town that got called on the same day as me. Many girls from my room are scatter around. I start to play a game it includes guess what color objects are from what shade of black and white it is. By the end of the day I have picked a color for nearly ever person in my vision with out turning my head. The girl with curls is blond hair. The boy to my right and up some determined to have strawberry blond hair.

"You are dismissed from your testing. Please exit the room and follow the guard to the kitchen for dinner. Thank you." The animated voice informs us. I push myself up and ploy out of the room. I barely get two feet before a hand falls on my shoulder. I turn my head. It's the boy from early.

"Wait up." I stop to let him catch up. "Hi. I am Tyzon." He puts his hand out to me. I grasp it cautiously. "I'm Unyverse." He grins warmly. "It's so weird no one that I talk to ever talks back to me. You know like some people are taking the whole competitors to heart but that's  what she wanted us to feel like. Why let her win?" I stare at him. His words are very true no one has tried to talk to me till now. Are we letting them win? "Why are you bring this up to me?" I question. He shrugs, "First time someone have talked to me in while." I look at him puzzled,"Don't you have family or friends you brought." His eyes search mine.

"No all mine are die. The government destroyed my life. And they put me in the program to make because they though I would be useful to them." His eyes become glossy but I never see any tears. "Sorry," I mumble. He grabs my hand. He shows me his bracelet.

Tyzon Gile #002 (family none)
Male 17
Group 1
Ashfall: division Mist

Our eyes meet, "Mist." He informed me what I already know.

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