Chapter 17

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I woke to the sound of deep breathing. My back ached from the uncomfortable thin mattress.  There were many other girls sleeping in similar conditions around me. I could not find sleep through my jumbled head. I thought of my brother. I remembered my father's words to keep my brother safety and I had already failed miserably. The girls around me moaned and some even cried. I pull my pillow to my ears to muffle the cries. A group of guards open the doors hastily and push in. The leap out of bed before they get the chance to drag me out. I watch the unlucky girls still in slumber and that are shacked awake.

"Line up. Quickly lets go. Hurry up!" All of us line up. The guards march us out of the room and into what looks like an underground cafeteria. I search the crowd for my brother but I can't locate him. I find a sit next to the girl from the other day Tiza I think her name was. When I sit she does not even notice me there. I watch the door protectively and wait for my food. After a few minutes another group is brought in all boys they seem to be about the same age. Towards the end of the line I spot my brother.

Kile's eyes land on mine. He rushes over to sit with me. He whispers in my ear, "What is going on? Is this real? I can't believe this. What do we do?" I try to sound as brave as I can, "Yes, Kile this is real."

The whole room was full of emptiness and occasional whispers.

"Hey there. At this point if you are smart you know what's happening. If not let me clear this up for you. Okay so there is to many people in this room right now to all make it on one ship. From now until you depart these are your competitors. Welcome to the Deviver program." The woman on stage smirks and cruelty laughs. "Let's just say the person who originally was revived will be competing for the pair of you."


My brother's and my eyes fill with fear. "An early birthday present?" I sickly joke. His facial express changes. "That's not funny."

I hear a deep voice from across the room yell, "You horrible people. Had I known this I would never have come here." The women turned just before walking off stage. "Well I guess you don't want a Second Chance than you will not received one." She snickered. A loud bang echoed through the large room. It looked as though something had been thrown from the far right corner and landed right on the boy's heart. His eyes changed from shock and superiority to emptiness. They than rolled up into his head and he fell to the floor. My brother's hand reached for mine. Dramatically the whole crowd burst out into fury and confusion. From my seat I could see a puddle of deep black coming from where I last saw the boy. 


I placing my hands on the cool glass sorrowing me. I touched the glass ball flowing. Its contents were me. I was stuck. My hands searched the perimeter. I watched the world float past me. To lost for me to find. And suddenly the ground began to become closer. My glass ball shattered at impact.

I pulled my brother onto the ground. My brain still to full of shock to fully understand what is happening. Many other people duck for cover. People all over let out terror screams. Kile is completely frozen from head to toe. He holds onto my hard as do I. I have never witnessed such a thing. The only way people are supposed to die is by accident or in war. Never have I see someone kill to prove a point or cold blood. When my childhood friend died at least we at war on to different sides. This women murdered someone when they were on her side.

"Settle down. Settle down. I'm only doing you a favor you will see in the end I helped you. One less person to take your seat." The women glimmered at she announced this. All to happy with her self to be my first experience of violence without meaning.

I began thinking of Spruce. I remembered his loving and always protective eyes. A tear ran down my face. I let out a cold laugh, "Kile what a great place to have your birthday." His eyes sad and lost. "Yeah can't wait," he played along with me.

"Morning everyone your testing will be starting tomorrow. We have mental intelligence, mental capacity, physical awareness, and physical capability exams. Now since only one of you will be fighting for both the other person will be taken to a holding tank. Also many are wondering about your beloved dogs. Well for now they are in a holding tank. But if you are eliminated so are your dogs. If you pass the first three exams you will be given you pets back. Which you will take your final exam with.  Now if everyone could find there room to wait in based on last name."

Everyone slowly got up and walked to the many doors at the other end of the room. Searching for our door. When my brother pointed at a "E-H" signing hanging above a door. We stepped in where many other teenagers were. After a few minutes guards started walking in and yelling out lists of names. People have each other hugs and separated.

".. Unyverse Harvist.." was called from one list and ".. Kile Harvist .. on another. Kile crashed me in a hug. I whisper in his ear quickly, "Stay save. Happy early birthday. See you soon." We parted.

I waited with many other old revived members all of whom had their names picked from the ceremony only months ago. We were lead down many winding hallways. When it finally ended stopped at a room were a group of women told us to line up. One at a time we went into a make shift room.

Once it was my turn they pulled me into the room. First they did a few blood tests. They did what most doctors would do at a well check. At the end of the check up. The grabbed my hand and slapped some sort of a bracelet on me. It read:
Unyverse Harvist #625 (brother Kile)
Female 17
Group 29
Ashburn: division Mist

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