One Hundred Sleepless Nights

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"Hurry up Jacob!" My friend Alex screamed.

We were on our way to see a concert, you won't believe who was going to be there. My all time. Favorite band. PIERCE THE VEIL!!
Okay okay now you may be asking, who's Alex? And who is Jacob?
Well let's rewind a bit. I'm Jacob, now you may think I'm a guy but I'm a girl. Now it may seem odd to have a guyish name but I like my name a lot. Now my friend Alex is a girl too, something we both have in common are our names of course.
Alright let's get back on track.

"I'm on my way let me just put my shoes on!"
"Hurry up were going to be late and I don't want to wait in line!"
I ran downstairs and ran to the car.
Alex and I were out of the house in less than 10 seconds.
We arrived and as we walked in it was empty.
There they were, my favorite band, Pierce the Veil. Playing King for a day.
Me and Alex screamed out the lyrics enough for them to hear us.
Vic came up to us and hugged us, I felt like the chosen one. I felt so special!
Vic then proceeded to put his hat on me.
"Keep it" he said as he winked at me
He looked back at Mike and snickered.
After the concert was over Alex went to go get ice cream while I stayed and waited for her to get back.
I was a curious person and decided to go to the back of the stage and see if the band was there. They were, but when they saw me they gave me the most wierdest face ever.
"Hey guuurl!" Jaime said
They soon proceeded to grab me and put a rag on my face. It soon became blurry and I passed out.
I woke up in a bus with the band staring at me.
Tony was cuddling a turtle plushie and playing with it like a plane.
"Finally she's awake! Come look at this guys!" Tony squealed.
I was confused yet scared for what was coming ahead

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