Falling Asleep on a Stranger

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I still felt dizzy but I could figure 2 people and 1 short Mexican waddling in the room. One of them came up to me and said "Ohhh look at what we have here!" In a weird tone.
"She spoke!"
My vision became clear and Jaime was in front of me.
I was confused and excited. Jaime Preciado was standing in front of me!
Mike then jumped on the couch beside me and hugged a pillow.
"What's up woman"
"The gas prices?" I studdered
"We got a jokester here Mike!" Vic screamed
"I see, what's your name?" Mike asked
"Jacob, I know it sounds like a guy name but I like my name a lot"
I soon proceeded to tell them about me.
"Group huddle my men!" Vic screetched as he jumped off the couch.
They started whispering to each other, the only words I can make out was keep, like, ask her.
"Sooooo" Tony nervously said.
"How would you, Jacob Gonzalez like to stay with us forever and go on tour?" He studdered.
I was being asked if I could stay with PTV....OF COURSE I WOULD STAY!
"Okay okay so let me get this straight, you want me to stay with you guys forever?" I asked
"YES!!!" they all screamed
"Just call your parents" Miked said.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I don't have any parents, I live alone after they kicked me out for self harming and trying to end my life" I tried telling them as calm as I could.
"What! Were so sorry. Don't ever try to do that to yourself again, well make sure to take extra care of you" Tony said.
I felt good, even though I barley met them I felt loved.

Sorry I didn't put how old Alex and Jacob are, and their last names. Alex Clark and Jacob Gonzalez are both 16. I hope you guys like my story so far. I will try my best to update everyday! ^-^

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