Kissing in Cars

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Jacobs P.O.V

"Jacob?" Jaime said as we were walking down the beach

"Yes Jaime?" I replied

"Well I've been knowing you for quite a while and I was thinking..." He drifted off

"O ma lawd" I gasped. I knew what he was getting to.

"Will you, Jacob Gonzalez. Marry me?" He asked

"Yes! Of course!" I squealed as I started tearing up.

~Fast forward to wedding day~

I walked down the isle looking at Jaime. He looked happy, I never knew I'd be marring the love of my life. Gosh I love him so much.

~Fast forward after the marrige cause I don't know what they say besides I do. Sorry.~

"Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, JACOB!" I heard someone scream.

I woke up to Jaime screaming at me to wake up. It was all a dream. Whyyy.

"Whaaat!" I replied

"We need to get ready. I'm taking you out today." He said

What was he taking me out for?

"Okay" I sighed

I went into the bathroom and changed into a My Chemical Romance shirt and white ripped jeans. Today was not my hair day so I put a beanie on and put my band bracelets.

Jaime's P.O.V

"I'm ready!" Jacob screamed.

She came out of the bathroom and we went outside and into my car. As we drove we rocked out to Of Mice and Men. When we got there we walked around, bought stuff and headed to the food court. I planned on telling her how I feel about her. When we got our food we sat down and talked. I decided to change the topic and just tell her.

"Jacob look. I know you're younger than me by 13 or so years. But I really like you. I can't stop thinking about you and I want to be with you forever" I studdered.

She looked shocked. I'm not sure if it was good or bad. I was nervous. She looked down at her food and opened her mouth to say something. I was ready to get turned down.

"Look Jaime-" she started

~im gonna end it here! >:3 evil aren't I? Please tell me how I did and give me suggestions on what Jaime should nick name Jacob. Thats its for today, thanks for reading! Please make sure to comment and vote! :)~

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