She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty

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Shall I make this the last chapter? Should I continue?
Tell me pls ;-;

Mikes P.O.V

We've been knowing Jacob for 3 years, I still remember the first day we met her. We kidnapped her as a joke and now she's my girlfriend. I remember being jealous since Vic got to put the hat on her, I thought she was beautiful the first day we saw her, and I still do. Even though we've only been dating for a day wouldn't it be okay to marry her since weve been knowing each other for 3 years?

Last night she was tossing and turning, raising her hands up and smiling. I just had to deal with her bumping me and pushing me off the bed. The next morning I woke up to an empty spot on the bed. I heard a bit of laughing and squealing, I smelled bacon and zoomed down the stairs. I tripped on my leg and fell down, I pretended to be fine but in reality my stomach hurt.

After a bit of talking with Jacob I asked her if she wanted to go out somewhere. Gladly she replied, my plan was going great. I couldn't wait till 4 pm, we were going to eat and after that walk at the park but something even more special would happen.

We spent all of our spare time getting ready since Jacob takes hours just putting makeup on. So while I wait for her to finish I watch some Harry Potter. As I finished the second movie she comes out of the restroom with a casual outfit and a different type of makeup style stuff than she used to wear. I got ready and since I only take 5 minutes I threw on some white muscle shirt and black pants.


We drove down to a nice restaurant and sat at this nice secluded table. After ordering drinks we talked about the past since I didn't really fill her in about back then as much when we were in the hospital. We got our food and just made some small talk here and there.

Vic's P.O.V

I can't believe it, every one likes Jacob! First Tony, Jaime and now Mike. It's fine with me but I think it may be too early for Mike to be asking Jacob this. Me and Kellin have to start fixing some stuff at the park since we rented it for the day. I think the way he's going to ask her is pretty good, I wouldn't have even thought about it.

"Vic cmon its 2:30 we have to start putting stuff on" Kellin insisted.

"Fine" I mumbled

We went to the park and started putting up some balloons and posters. I don't know how Mike got the cat but he insisted on using the cat as a way to carry the proposal ring. Jacob really likes cats, she wanted a male black cat so she can name him Levi. Pretty clever idea but how did he get the cat?!?! How?!?

We finished up fixing the decorations for the park, closed the gates and walked back to the car.

"Im tired" Kellin groaned as he went in the car.

"Good thing the park is only a street away from the house, I can't wait to take a nap" I sighed

"Where's Tony and Jaime?" He asked

"They're at the house most likely making out with each other." I joked

We opened the door and right when I walked in guess who I saw making out on the couch

"What the fuck!" I laughed

"Oh my gosh what!" Jaime said in an annoyed tone.

"You do have some psychic powers" Kellin chuckled

"I'm gonna go take a shower, isn't the proposal in an hour?" Tony questioned

I looked at my watch, 8:25. Shit.

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