Hold on Till May

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~Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post yesterday I was at a party. SIT DOWN CAUSE ITS STORY TIME BISHES!~

Jacob's P.O.V

"Jacob look. I know you're younger than me by 13 or so years. But I really like you. I can't stop thinking about you and I want to be with you forever" Jaime studdered

It took me a while to process what he said, I was speechles. Should I tell him? I felt the same way about him, but I'm not sure if Vic would agree with us dating. But there's always such things as keeping it a secret (;

"Look Jaime-" I started hesitating but I knew if I didn't tell him itd be awkward.

"Jaime...I like you too. But I'm not sure how were going to tell this to Vic, or keep it from him." I finally told him.

He looked stunned. As if he was getting ready to be turned down but he got the opposite. But even so, I don't think he'd ask me out at all. But its fine just like this, knowing we have something for each other. I'm guessing he wanted and started hanging out with me because he liked me. I wouldve figured it out earlier if I was paying attention. Ever since the beginning, the face he made when Vic put the hat on me, the sassyness and the play fights, even the looks he'd give me. Even if I didn't notice at the time at least I know now and I'm glad I do.

"Well then let's keep it a secret" he winked at me

We finished eating and having small talk here and there. We grabbed our bags and headed to the car. I sort of tripped while walking out the door but the bags saved me. While my new boyfriend laughed at me t-.- As we got to the car he decided to skip and then he soon ended up tripping on his shoe laces.

"Karma! That's what you get!" I said while sticking my tounge out and flipping him off.

"At least I looked majestic!" He laughed

We entered the car and drove home. There was music and that meant...SINGING TIME! We basically killed the moment with our singing...yup. ;-;

We walked in the bust not even paying attention to the guys as we were more interested on the bed awaiting us. Today was a long and good day.

"Jaime?" I said as we slipped into the covers

"Yeap?" He said popping the p

"Can I has le cuddles?" I chuckled

"Yesh." He said making a kissy face

We cuddled the night off until we fell asleep. It felt good being in his arms.

~meanwhile in Tony and Mikes room~

Tony's P.O.V

Today was the longest and best day of my life. I finally got into a serious relationship with Mike. Yes we've been liking each other for quite a while but today we started dating. It feels so good to finally call Mike mine. We cuddled up and called it a day.

~in Vics room~

Vic's P.O.V

"Hey Vic" Kelling said as he climbed through the bus window

This was a normal day for us. We've been doing this for a long time. Me and Kellin have been dating for about 1 year. Every time we go on tour together he climbs through the window and we sleep together. Nobody knows were a thing and that's good. We talked for a while as we cuddled and fell asleep.

~ Hey guys! I guess you didn't expect that coming! Hope you like it so far! Thanks so much for 50 views! Please vote. comment, tell me how I did :D. Follow me for more stories! I will be continuing this one for a while and will be starting others soon! Have a nice day or night! Sir waddles the third out! :3~

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