Fast Times At Clairemont High

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~Double update! Yaay! I hope what's happening isnt too confusing ~

Jaime's P.O.V

I sat next to Jacob, she was in the hospital after getting hit by a car. I fucking hate Kellin, how could he do that? I wonder what Vic is going to do to that bastard. I couldn't help but ball my eyes out, she looked so pale and thin. I felt someone touch my hand, I look up to see Jacob smiling at me.

"Hey" She said, she sounded so weak.

"Hey" I smile, this time I was tearing up. I was so happy she was okay.

"What happend?" She asked. I dont think she remembered, I don't even know where to start.

"Well...We were all at the beach with Kellin. He had a few drinks and was instantly drunk, you were in the bus getting some water and he went in. We don't know what happened in the bus between you but I'm guessing it was bad. Well ask Kellin later but you ran out of the bus crying. I ran to you screaming because you were running to the street. As soon as I knew it you were hit by a car, the driver drove away and we took you to the hospital." I replied, bothered by what Kellin might have done to my Jacob.

She opend her mouth to say something but we were cut off by the door opening. The doctor walked in and took me out of the room to run some tests on her. I went to the waiting room to see Vic talking to Kellin. I sat next to Vic and told him Jacobs alright and the doc is just running some tests on her. I look over his shoulder and saw Kellin tearing up.

"I'm sorry Jaime. I didn't mean to do those things to her. I was drunk, please forgive me" he pleaded. I wasn't interested in his apology. I was interested in what he did to Jacob.

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