Im Low on Gas and You Need A Jacket

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~Hey guys! Sorry if I'm going a bit too quick I just want to get to the good parts quick but for now I'm going to be slowing the pace a bit and give more details. I know I may have some typos and what not but I notice those while going back and if not I'm sorry. Thanks for reading I can't believe I now have 109 views, I know the reads do decrease after chapters but I'm okay with that. Also I am going to be adding some other bands and band members later so keep reading for that and also there is going to be a lot of drama in some chapters for now on :)~

~Vics P.O.V~

I just told the guys and Jacob that I have been dating Kellin for a year. Jacob was really excited, I was happy until she said she was dating Jaime. I mean she did start getting close to Jaime these past days, maybe I was too busy to notice. When she told me what was going on between them I had tons of questions lined up for both. I guess I'll just let them explain themselves.

"WAIT WHAT THE FU.CK!?!?" We all screamed in shock

"I love Jaime, and nothings going to stop me from dating him" she said confidently

"I love Jacob too, I don't want to get you guys mad but I want to keep on dating her no matter what too" Jaime followed up

From the corner of my eye I can see Tony tearing up and he got up. He left the bus and Mike followed. I wonder what's going on between them too as well...

Tony's P.O.V

I was hurt. Yes I'm dating Mike but I liked Jacob. I didn't know what to do so I panicked and went outside.

"Are you ok?" Mike asked as I went behind the bus.

All I wanted was to be left alone. I didn't want to talk to anyone besides Mike. I didn't know how to tell him how I felt without him getting hurt.

"Yea its just that...I like Jacob. I mean I'm dating you and I love you...its just that finding this out hurts me because I don't know what to do." I replied

"Look don't worry...I love you too and I'll make sure to never mistreat you. You know I'd never do anything bad to about we go tell the guys were dating since they all confessed ?" He asked

"Sure" I said calmly. I felt better after what Mike said. I was confident about my desicion on dating.

Vic's P.O.V

While Mike and Tony were outside Jaime, Jacob and I were talking about why they were dating and how to hide it from the public since Jacob is under age. I accepted the fact they were dating but it bothered me. I didn't know how Jacob would handle Jaime's sexual temptations and if he cheated.

My thoughts were interrupted by Tony and Mike entering the bus and sitting on the couch.

"Look we have something to tell you guys too" Mike trailed off.

We all raised our eyebrows and looked at him asking him to go on.

"Me and Tony are dating" he said

"CALLED IT!, YOU OWE ME JACOB!" I screamed. Me and her betted if the two were dating or not and if they were theyd confess this week or the next. I betted on this week and Jacob on the next. Looks like I won.

Mike gave me a confused look but I ignored him.

We all basically confessed to each other and had no problems with it. At least we thought.

~Thanks for reading! I was a bit harder to write since I got my nails done today. I will make sure to update as soon as I can because I might be a bit busy this weekend. Have a nice day or night!~

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