The Sky Under The Sea

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~Its August 17th!! Right when I finish writing this chapter I will start on the other 3 stories. That's going to take quite a while...Anyway! 231 views! Yaaay! Thanks so much guys. I hope you liked it so far~

Jacobs P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, I tried to get off the bed too fast and ending up falling on the floor. I walked into the kitchen and saw Vic flipping some pancakes onto a plate.

"Duckie!" He squealed

"Hey" At this point I was halfway asleep

"How did you sleep?" Vic asked

"Mmm....Pretty good" I replied

"PANCAKES!" I heard 3 children cry out..oh wait they're grown adults! Squealing and praising pancakes.

We all ate and Tony fell asleep with his face on the plate. We all just left him and sat on the couch.

"How did you sleep Vickie-poo?" Jaime asked in a sassy tone

"Good" he replied

"Mmhmmm" Jaime Z snapped

Vic gave him a confused look

"Cause I heard you with Kellin making noises that children shouldn't hear at 12 am!" Jaime continued

Vic turned beet red and look down

"O-oh. I didn't mean to be loud" he studdered

"Mmm" Jaime sassily replied

~20 min later~

I suddenly felt a sticky and cold substance on my face. I turned to see Tony trying to hide his laugh. I looked at my lap that was covered in syrup and the pancake he threw. I glared at Tony then proceeded to grab the pancake and throw it to him.

"Oh its on" he said

We fought with the pancake like it was a sword. We broke the pancake in half and fought till they broke...Which was a minute later.

"Jacob can I talk to you?" Jaime asked

"Sure" I shrugged

We went to our room and sat on the bed.

"Well you see I've been thinking Jacob.."

"Yea?" I said anxiously

"After the tour maybe you can...Live with me?" He asked. Hiding his face in his knees

"YES!" I replied

"O my gosh yes! Like o mai gaaawd" Jaime said in a Kim K voice while flapping his hands

We laughed and just continued the day by watching Netflix. No we did not do the 'Netflix and Chill'. It was just Netflix, we fell asleep on the couch and Tony put a blanket over us and headed to sleep.

~Sorry it was sucky and short its just that I want to start writing the other 3 stories! I'll update after I finish writing the first story!~

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