Hell Above

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~Im sorry I didn't update yesterday. I don't remember updating. Thanks for reading my story! I can't believe I have 71 views! I know it may seem very little but for my first story I think its amazing.~

Vic's P.O.V

"Kellin, wake up it's time for you to go babe" I shook kellin. It was 3 am. He leaves as this time so he can sleep a bit more back at his bus so nobody notices he's gone.

"Okay. I'll be back later, bye babe" he mumbled as he kissed.

~ 4 hours later ~

I went to check up every one. They looked so funny, Tony was halfway off of the bed. Mikey was upside down. Jaime was face down arse up. Then there was Jacob. She was still as a soldier. I didn't bother waking them up, I just went to the bathroom to wash up and change. Once I got out they were all awake. Tony was half asleep playing on his phone, Mike was on his phone, Jaime was dancing around Jacob while she was making coffee.

"Hey Vickie-poo" Jaime said in a gay voice.

"Hey babe" I went along with him as I put my hands around his waist.

We couldn't help but burst out laughing by the faces Jacob was making. She looked horrified at our actions since we were making kissy faces and seductively touching each other.

"What do you guys want to do today?" I asked, mainly talking to Jacob.

"Lazy day!!" They all sang, Mikey just said drink in a low voice as they sang.

"Let's watch some movies!" Jacob screamed.

"Can we also get some Ice cream?" Jaime asked.

"Sure, let's go get some stuff!" I squealed

We all ran into the store like kids while Mike was walking behind us like the dad. We all had it planned out I get chips, Tony gets soda, Jaime gets the ice cream, Jacob gets the pop corn and Mike... He's paying. We ran back to the cashier and Mike payed everything shooting a glare at us after he saw how much he had to pay.

We went back home and watched movies. We all cuddled up and ate buckets of ice cream and snacks.

~The next day ~

Jaime's P.O.V

I woke up to my beautiful girlfriend. She shuffled to me and buried her face into my chest. I kissed her head and drifted back to sleep.

~ 1 hour later~

It was 7 am and I had to do my job...Wake everyone up and annoy them by bashing pans together. I got up and Jacob followed me, she will now be my assistant. We grabbed some pans and spoons and bashed them together.


"SHUT THE FU.CK UP!" They all screamed back.

We continues screaming and they finally woke up.

"What're we doing today!" I asked Vic

"I was thinking of going to the beach." He replied

"BEACH!" we all screamed. Except Mike, he just said drink...again.

We all got ready and hopped in car. When we got there we didn't even hesitate to get in, I jumped on top of Jacob.

"Stop!" She screamed.

"Fine" I pouted

"Quack quack waddle waddle" Jacob said as she swam flapping her arms.

"Guys..I think I found a name for Jacob" I said pointing at her.

"DUCK!" we all sang

"What?" Jacob questioned

"Were naming you duck" I said. "No questions asked Approved? APPROVED! DUCK IT IS!" I squealed.

"Fine" she sighed.

~2 hours later~

We came back home and showered. After we all finished we went straight to sleep.

~ 1 hour later~

I woke up to moaning and screaming. But they were faint, Duck was asleep and so was Vic. So I'm guessing it came from Mike and Tonys room. I opened the door to find them...let's just say...Loving each other. I watched in horror and slowly closing the door, I'm guessing they didn't see or hear me over their loud sounds. I went back to my room and cuddled with Duck. I was scared for life.

~Sorry if it wasn't that interesting. Tell me what I can add here to jazz it up!thanks for reading! Sir waddles the third out! :3 I LIKE TURTLES!~

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