Long time no see

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Soo....sorry I didn't update for 3 weeks...heh..

Jacobs P.O.V

All I could see were 4 blurry figures, I felt weak, my arms felt like they were being pinched and filled with a watery substance, IVs....My head was pounding and my legs felt weak. I couldn't move at all, all I could feel was pain. I was soon able to see and saw everyone, 5 men. The first man was crying and pacing back and forth, the 3rd man was holding his tears back while holding the 4th mans hand, who at this point was crying a river, the second man was the worst of all, he was screaming and couldn't even control himself. Nobody noticed I was awake, soon another man walked in.

"How's she doing?!" He sounded a bit panicked, he wasn't crying, but I can tell he did cry the most before he came since he had dry tear marks on his face.

"F-ine, she should be awake any minute" the third man mumbled

Tony looked up and stopped crying the minute he saw me looking at him.

"She's awake!"

"Alright guys, let's leave Mike with her so they can talk" The 4th man interrupted.

"Okay" they all replied in sync

"How are you feeling duckling?" He smiled at me, still crying

"W-who are you?" I asked

"Im your friend, dont you remember?" He nervously asked

"No, who are the other 4 men?"

"The one with spikey hair is your ex, the two men with long hair are your friends, and the last one, the one with tattoos is your friend, my ex" he sighed

"O-oh, can you tell me who I am and how I met you?"

"Sure" he smiled

After a while I started remembering everything, I felt comfortable with Mike (the mans name) I couldn't wait to get home and relax. Too bad the doctor came in mid conversation and said I needed to stay till tomorrow.



"Can you be my boyfriend?" I asked sheepishly



(;-; I dunno okey)

Le next day

I walked out of the crummy hospital with Mike and the others. It felt like nothing happened as soon as we got home. Jaime seemed a bit sad when I was with Mike, his loss right?

3 year later

I was getting married to the love of my life, Mike Fuentes. I walked down the isle with my white dress that was ever so heavy, I could see his smile from the very back of the isle. I was so happy, it felt like a dream come true.

Marrige stuff later idk

We walked out of the church and into the limo, it took so long but it was worth it all. I can't wait to see what happens in the future with me and my husband.

Le morning

I woke up in sweat and Mike sleeping next to me. It was all a dream...I went downstairs and saw Vic and the crew eating bacon.

"Hey my little b-day girl" Vic smiled

"Guys im 18 now, I'm not a girl" I pouted

"You'll always be our girl" they all said in synce

With those words a tall man came tumbling down the stairs

"Owwweeee!" Mike screamed

"Wait, I smell bacon. IM FINEE" He mumbled

I took a piece of bacon and held it up

"Ah yes, beauty in its natural form" I squealed

Mike took the bacon right out of my hands

"Please dunt take it from me my wife is pregnant" I dramatically fell down the floor and clawed at him

He looked down at me and ate the glorious piece of heaven with a straight face.

"So" he smacked his mouth between words "what do you wanna do today" he chewed like a cow and made funny faces

"I dunno.."

"How about we go out" he winked at me and made his 'sexy face' which was just him winking and making an ugly face which was funny

"Okay" I replied

Mike P.O.V

Today's going to be a special day. Were not just going out today, hopefully it reaches her.

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