The Cheap Bouquet

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It's 2:33 am here were I'm at and since I can't sleep I decided to continue :3

Jaimes P.O.V

Shes beautiful. When I look at her I forget everything around me. Age? PSH that's just a number. I soon realized what I felt for her. Smart, Beautiful, Funny, Weird, Crazy just the most lovable person ive ever met. When I first met her it took me a while to get used to her but when I saw Vic putting the hat on her I got a bit jealous. To be in fact Vic is the closest one to her, we barley talk and when we do its when I mess around with her. She probably thinks of me as a brother. Stop it Jaime don't think that. If I have to I'll fight with Vic for her. In fact I'm going to try to start hanging out with her. I got out of the bed and grabbed my favorite dinosaur plushie and ran to the lounge.

~10 min later~

Well that didn't work. Especially since Tony decided to enter the fight. Cmon Tony really? Cmon chamaco (boy) I thought you were better than this. Tony passes me to enter the restroom. I stick out my tounge and flip him off t-.- He shrugged it off and that's when Jacob came up to me.

"Hey Jaime you think I can come sleep with you? Im getting tired of the couch" she asked. Man she looked so cute in her pajamas. A long oversized flannel shirt and boxers she borrowed from Vic. Dammit Vic t-.-

"Yea just ask Vic" I said while clearing my throat

I went to bed and waited for Jacob to come so she can tell me if she can sleep here or not. As soon and I thought that she came bursting into the room squealing saying she can stay. We playfighted a bit and started settling down to sleep. Make a move Jaime I said to myself. Cmon do it. It wouldn't hurt to one bit right?

"Come here" I whispered to Jacob.

She came forward. I can't believe I am doing this I told my self.

Well I'm sleepy so to anyone who's reading this at night. GOODNIGHT! Sir waddles the third is out!

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