The First Punch

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Jacobs P.O.V

My thoughts were drowned in my tears, all I could feel was this heaviness pushing me down. I didn't want to see Jaime, I need Vic, he's the only one to calm this pain I have...please come home boys...I need you.

Vic's P.O.V

It was 1:00 am, it was really late. Jaime was stumbling outside with a girl giggling to our car

"Hey Vic why's this girl on my back?" he giggled

"Jaime you have a girlfriend! Get that slut off your back!" I screamed, pushing the girl off of his back

"Oh shit" Jaime mumbled with wide eyes

"My phone, I called Jacob! She mustve heard her" he teared up

"What?" I questioned

"That girl...she...she must've dialed Jacob while I wasn't looking and made it seem like we were having the sex" he cried, I was surprised he knew what was going on after all the drinking

"Shit, get in the car were leaving." I mumbled

We drove back to the bus, the lights were off but I can make up the faint light of the tv.

"Jacob!" I screamed ask I waked in the bus

I heard faint crying from my room, I ran in to see Jacob lying in the bed hugging a pillow

"Vic, he hurt me." She mumbled

"Jaime didn't hurt you babe, this girl called you and made it seem like it." I said, trying to comfort her

"NO! DONT LIE TO ME VIC" she cried

"I'm sorry Jacob, it was my fault I shouldn't have drank too much " Jaime cried as he walked in

"Tony!" She screamed

"Yes sweety?"

"Are they lying? Please tell me the truth Tony, I trust you"

"No no no, they're not lying, trust me baby" He replied

"I can't believe this" she breathed so fast she seemed like she was going to faint

"Look Jacob, well talk about it tommorow. Please sleep" I asked

"Fine" she mumbled

Jacobs P.O.V

I couldn't believe this was happening, I couldn't sleep. I loved Jaime, I dont know if I should believe them.

3 am

They all fell asleep, good. Now I can just do the same. But this time, permanently.

I went to the restroom and found some pain killers. I took a hand full and popped them in my mouth. Soon I felt my vision getting heavy, I was dizzy and I just sat there...waiting for the darkness to swallow me up.

Mikes P.O.V

I usually get up early before anyone else when it comes to drinking the night before. I headed to the bathroom to pee, it was locked. I checked everyone's room and Jacob was gone, I checked the pills that we leave on a drawer in case we get headaches and what not. The pain killers were gone.

"JACOB OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" I screamed, hitting the door

I was so worried and angry I broke the door open and found her on the ground with the pills beside her.

"Jacob! No no no no this can't be happening!" I panicked

I took her to the tub and ran some water, I inserted 2 fingers in her mouth and soon she coughed up the pills. 10 pills, holy shit

"Jacob I'm taking you to the hospital"

"No" she murmured

I picked her up and ran outside to the car. I drove her to the nearest hospital and soon she was being rolled into an room for some tests.

Vic Jacobs in the hospital, I took the car so find a taxi or tell Kellin to take you I'll talk to you when you get here

Shit! I'm on my way! Tony and Jaime are coming!

I locked my phone and waited for Vic and the others to come. Please Jacob, please stay with us.


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