A match into water

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Sorry for not updating I was a but busy but its time to get back on track! LET THE STORY CONTINUEEE!!!!!

Jacobs P.O.V

1 week after staying with the band

"Jaaaaacoooooobb!!!!" Jaime screamed.

"Leave me alone Dingus!!" I yelled back

"Rawr!!" Dingus squealed as he pressed a stuffed dinosaur on my face

"Jaime stahhhhp!"

"Never!!!" He roared

"This party cant start without a turtle!!!" Tony barged in while throwing a stuffed turtle on my face

"O mah lawd you peeps are ca-ray-zaayyy!!" I z snapped

I've gotten closer to the guys after the first couple of days. I kind of started getting feelings for Hi-me. I mean I am 16 it'd be impossible. My thoughts were soon interuped by Jaime licking my arm.

"Pay attention woman were trying to have fun!!!" He said while jumping on the couches

"Fine" I sighed dramatically.

~~Fast forward 10 min later~~

I slept on the couch in the tour bus but I was getting tired of it. I just wanted to sleep on the bed and I knew who to ask.

"Jaimmeee!!!" I sang

"Yes mi'lady?" He sang back

"Can I sleep with you from now on?"

"Sure just ask Vic"

"YAAAAY!!!" I squealed

"Viiiiic???" I screamed and I sprinted to his room.


"Is it okay if I sleep with Jaime? I'm getting tired of sleeping on the couch"

"Sure, nothing better happen you got that chapita?" (My nickname he gave me)

"Thanks Vic, you da reeel maaan!!" I snickered

"OMMAA LAWWD YASSSS!!!" I screamed as I jumped on Jaime's bed causing him to fall off of it.

"I'm okay" he puffed

"Hehehe this bed is all mine I tell you ALL MINEEE!!! MUAHAHA!!!" I said.

"Nope that's not going to happen muchacha in your dreames gurrl that ain't gonna happen nuhh uhhh" He z snapped

"Gosh darn it. Time for plan B" I whispered.

"Wait what the fu-" he screeched

I jumped on the bed and squished Jaime. I took up all the space and made my self comfortable.

"Two can play at that game gurrrl" he said intimidated

He spread himself on the bed and rolled over on top of me.

"Wow this pillow is really bulky. I need to get a new one"

"Ja-imee" I said out of breath

He rolled off we play fighted a bit. I got tired and yawned.

"Come here" he whispered

I scootched over as he put his hand on my head. He brought me in closer and then the best thing happend.

~Im gonna leave you guys there I'm evil arent I? >:3. Tell me how this story is so far and what I should add to it! *throws glitter and drops mike* "Sir waddles Jr the third out! PEACE"

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