Currents Convulsive

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Jaime's P.O.V

I hugged Jacob and then pulled her away. Her eyes silver eyes glisented from the moonlight. I felt the sudden urge to just...kiss her..I leaned in and kissed her. She pulled back and looked at me smiling. She's glad I kissed her! Yesss! I kissed her again this time she didnt pulling back. We ended up making out. I can feel her smiling as were kissing, we stopped and started cuddling. I held her as I said goodnight my lovely. We soon fell asleep.

Jacobs P.O.V

As I fell asleep after making out and cuddling Hi-me I thought to myslef. Does he like me? Are we even going to be able to date? What are we going to do after this? Will it be the same? I was worried because I didn't know if he truly liked me or anything.

I woke up and sat upright. I looked at Jaime, he looked so cute sleeping. I went to the restroom to go change into a Asking Alexandria shirt and black ripped jeans. I didn't bother putting on any shoes or accessories until we were going to leave somewhere. I went back to check on Jaime and he just woke up. He smiled at me and patted the bed. I am assuming he wanted me to sit next to him.

"Good morning Jacob" he sang.

"Hey sleepy head" I said.

"Soo about yesterday.." He said nervously


"Well umm...Look Jacob I didn't mean to do that I mean if Vic found out about that he'd kill me please don't tell anyone."

"Its okay. Ill make sure not to tell anyone" I smirked winking at him

I left the room to let him change. I entered the lounge and made myself some waffles with caramel. I'm guessing everybody left and it was just me and Jaime in the bus. I didn't mind since I decided that I could have a date with the couch and watch Netflix. Jaime came out of the room and stole some waffles while I wasn't looking. That sneaky child t-.-

Jaime's P.O.V

I went to her and grabbed her hips. I couldn't resist not trying to touch her. She turned and I kissed her, yes we had a conversation about kissing but I don't mind breaking the rules. I started liking her. A lot. To the point were I can't stop looking at her. We sat down and watched Netflix, I wonder where the guys are at. They must be going out to drink or something since its kind of late.

Vic P.O.V


"Shut the up Vic and well get you your chicken nuggets." Mike screamed


I played with my toy not seeming to care about my nuggets. I didn't care about em, psh I had my toy Darlene. It was just me and her, no nuggets.

"Eat those damn nuggets Vic. I didn't buy them for nothing." He cursed at me

"But Darlene needs my help! She's falling!" I said as I put the toy doll on the cars edge

"I'll save her!" Tony slurred

"Noooooo!" We screamed as I dropped her.

"Eat the chicken nuggets now Vic! You too Tony!" Mike snapped

"Finee" We cried as we ate the nuggets

We got to the bus and I slammed the door open.

Jacobs P.O.V

"Hey look it's my beautiful child Jacob" Vic slurred

"Shut up Vic you're drunk" Mike scoffed

"Youre not my mom! Huh? Are you?" Vic slurred

"Well I-" Mike started, but he got unterupted by Vic

"Nope, that's what I thought" Vic snapped

"I'm your mom!" Tony screamed as he stumbled into the car.

"Mommy!!" Vic squealed

They both hugged each other and ran into the room as they squealed.

"Well im going to get them to bed" Mike mumbled

Jaime and I went to our room and slept. Well today was boring, hopefully wed do something exciting tommorow.

Sorry if this wasn't interesting Im thinking about what to do in the next chapter. Sir waddles Ricardo Benny Luis Garcia Torres jr the third out!

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