Chapter 5

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I looked at my face; I had a pale skin, brown eyes, dark eyebrows and brown hair.

'What do you think?' A british voice. Newt.

'I don't know... isn't everyone supposed to not like themselfs, how they look?' I looked at Newt.

He chuckled and looked down at me, because he is bigger than me. 'Yeah, but not you... You are perfect.'

'Nobody's perfect.' I answered.

'Whatever... You are beautiful. Accept it, Rosalie.' I loved the way he pronounced my name and I laughed.

'I accept it.'

'Good that. How are you feeling now?' He said with a concerned face.

'I'm fine, thanks. But Newt, what does shuck face mean? And shank, klunk, slinthead? I heared people say those words but I have no idea what they mean.'

This made him laugh. 'You'll know it and use it soon enough, love. Shall we walk around for a bit?'

I nodded. He called me love, that was so cute! I felt butterflies in my stomach but I ignored it. I could walk myself, Newt didn't have to help me but I missed his arm around my waist.
We walked through the Glade and here and there met Gladers. We walked past gardens, some kind of farm, a big wooden house etc. We talked for a long time until we went to Frypan's to eat dinner.

Newt, Chuck, Minho and I were sitting at a table. We ate beef with greens and rice.

Minho asked 'So Newtie, are you guys like a thing?' He pointed at me and Newt with his fork.

Newt's face became red, and then Chuck made it worse 'Yeah you two look cute together.. Are you getting babies?' Minho smirked, looked at me and said 'Use protection.'
I saw Chucks confused face and I chuckled nervously.

'Will you slim it, you shanks?' Newt's voice sounded a bit annoyed, but then he laughed.

We didn't speak about it for the rest of the meal. After diner, Newt took me to his room. He had a room because he was Alby's second-in-command, and all the keepers had a room too.

We talked for a couple of hours about everything and I felt happy being around him even though I was a bit scared.
I had a hole in my body because I didn't remember anything and couldn't understand fully why I was here, in the Glade, and this hole was partly closed when I was around him.

He brought me to my hammock, which I had hang up earlier. My hammock was next to Chuck's, who was already asleep. He was snorring loudly which made me laugh a lot.

I looked at Newt who laughed with me.
It was time to say goodbye.

'I want to thank you for today,' I spoke. 'You make me feel save in here. I surprisingly had a lovely time.' I blushed and looked down at my feet.

Newt chuckled and I looked at his face. He blushed and said 'Me too. You are a really nice person and you can come to me any time if you need someone to talk to.'

'Thanks.' I gave him a hug. It was a warm, strong and lovely hug. His arms around me felt perfect. Like our bodies fit around each other. Like it was ment to be. When we let go I walked over to the left sight to my hammock.

I turned my face to him. 'Good night, Newt.' I said and smiled.

'Good night, Rose.' and he walked away. It was the first time he'd called me that, and it sounded so sweet. I smiled.

My hammock was comfortable and at first I couldn't sleep. I thought about today, and Newt ofcourse. Today had been so horrible but perfect, I knew I could trust Newt, because I felt like I knew him already... Like I'd known him all my live. After a while sleep took me.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now