Amusement Park Avengers+Bucky X Reader

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You were sitting quietly, enjoying a peaceful morning sipping your (Preferred Morning Drink), relaxing  after you had just woke up. Until a full blown tornado ripped through your apartment by the name of Bucky.

"Bucky! What the hell?" You stood up from your place at the dinner table and walked over to him. "What do you think your doing at 9 in the morning barreling through my house like that?" You pointed your finger up at him.

"You look like a cranky housewife (Y/N)." He snickered, noticing your appearance was everything but flawless.

"Do you want me to act like one to?" You warned, eying him.

"No, no, that's totally fine." He threw his hands up in the air in surrender. "But you should get ready like right now."

"And why is that?"

"Because we are all going to an amusement park." He smiled, holding up 8 tickets.

"Who is all of us?" You asked questionably.

"The both of us and the rest of the Avengers." Bucky grinned, then shoved you towards you room. "Now hurry up and get ready, Tony is not the most patient."

"Fine! Fine, jeez." You grumbled. "But either stay in the living room or go back outside with the rest of them."

"Yeah, yeah." He replied, throwing himself on the couch.

You had taken the quickest shower of your life, shaving your legs in the process because you could probably get into the Bigfoot family if you didn't. You knew it was going to be hot out so you put your hair up into a cute pony tail with a Dutch braid running along side of your head. You wore shorts with a patterned tank top. You put on light yet durable makeup and flip flops to conclude the outfit.

You walked out of you room, calling for Bucky."Alright, I'm ready let- WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALL IN HERE?" 

"Well, first off, I'm not going to waste my gas keeping my cars running for the AC, second you take too long." Tony answered.

"Hey (Y/N)." You heard the rest of the males greet.

"I told them it wasn't the best idea." Nat said, walking up to you.

You groaned. "Okay, lets just go already. Who's car am I in?"

"Your with us." Steve said, walking out of your apartment. You followed him to the Jeep Wrangler that Bucky owned. You, Bucky, Steve, Bruce got in the Jeep, you got  shotgun, which meant you manned the radio stations.

Tony, Thor, Nat, and Clint got into one of Tony's giant SUVs and raced off in front of you. Bucky found it to be a competition and began speeding up, which made Steve yell at him because he didn't want to get a speeding ticket.


You had arrived at the amusement park and Thor ran straight to the greasy concession stands, using what little American currency he acquired and spent it all on mini-donuts, funnel cakes, and corn dogs.

"Thor, your going to get sick." You told him as he inhaled the last of his food purchases.

"This human food cannot make a warrior like me sick, I have feasted for 7 days and 7 nights in a row, I will be fine." He replied, smiling and patted your head.

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