Countdown Tony Stark X Reader

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Hey guys long time no see, I'm so sorry about that, here is this to make it up to you guys! sorry if OOC.


The love watch, as most called it. A small watch on your wrist that counted down the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds until you would meet your soulmate. Some refused to acknowledged the fact that they are meeting their exact match made by fate, others are so very obsessed with the fact that they have a one and only they never want to meet another person. The watch doesn't care about your sexual preference, boys and girls, boys and boys, girls and girls, as long as it does it's job in finding you your other half, it's satisfied.

But you never paid much attention to that watch, until now.

"Why is this stupid thing beeping?" You yelled, you never looked at you watch, you never cared to. You generally covered it up and pretended it wasn't their avoiding the subject of love and watches all together.

You threw your sleeve up your arm to see if the watch would shut up. "What the.. HELL?"

The watch said 1day, 5hours, 14minutes, 34seconds. How was this even possible, you (Y/N) a minimum wage worker that lived in a extremely small apartment with nothing else but an apple in the fridge, and you would be meeting your soulmate in less than two days?

"How is this possible?" You stared at the watch, mind boggled. But you didn't have time to panic, some fat people needed their burgers at McDonald's and you were just the person to serve them.

You hurriedly grabbed your jacket and ran out to your beaten up old van that got about 14 mpg, what a time to be alive.

Your watch continued to beep at McDonald's, your co workers getting overly excited for you, and you just trying to brush it off. Since you were the manager, you could yell at them to get back to work while you just nit-picked their every movement. But that stupid watch never left your hazed mind.

"I'm heading out, see you guys tomorrow." You yawned, grabbing your jacket off the hook.

"Your not coming in tomorrow." Said one of the female co-workers.

"Why is that?" You asked, confused.

She gave you a 'duh you stupid hoe' look and placed her hands on her hips."You will be meeting him tomorrow silly!"

"Or her!" Another co worker yelled from the storage room.

"That is true, but your meeting them. So you are taking tomorrow off, still getting paid, and going to look all cute and nice, and meet them! Doll yourself up a bit (Y/N)! You deserve it, the bags under your eyes won't be very friendly looking when you meet them." She hinted, putting her hands on your shoulders and shaking you. "You. Can. Do. This!"

"I appreciate the thought, but I still have to work! I mean the thought of you guys running this place without me is not a pretty sight." You teased.

"Then just make me temporary manager." Your friend yelled, her hands still on your shoulders.

"Fine, but don't screw it all up when I come back." You smiled and walked out of the fast food restaurant.

"Ok! I won't!" She hollered back. You just shook your head and started your car.

~Time Skip brought to you by the Archangel Gabriel! That little sweet toothed cutie trickster~

When you woke up that morning your watch beeped, showing you 12hours, 34minutes, 25seconds. You would be meeting your soulmate at about 6 pm tonight. Good to know. But you couldn't get him or her off your mind. What were they like? Nice? Mean? Cute? Ugly? Rich? Poorer than you? You would find out in 12 hours.

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