Dating Tony Stark

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Dating Tony Stark would include-

▸As we all know, the billionaire would spare no expense on you, lavishing you with whatever you wanted, wherever and whenever. Fancy clothes, exquisite restaurants, and luxury like you could have never imagined, was at the fingertips of Tony. While the occasional splurge was a treat, you were happy doing anything as long as you were with Tony, and Tony was one of those things.

▸Tony loved to remind the press, media, bystanders taking his picture that you were irrevocably his. If you remaining glued to his side wasn't enough, the over-exaggerated kisses or even the sneaky butt slap was enough to deter any man or woman looking for a hook-up. You also had similar troubles, as both genders alike flocked to the handsome genius and your favorite maneuver was to grab that silk tie and drag him down for a show stopping kiss.

▸After enough begging and promises of some fun times later, Tony allowed you to hop into one of the older Iron Man suits and take a ride. But he had some serious rules, not because he thinks you couldn't handle it, but because you were more precious to him than anything his money could buy. And if something happened to you, Tony's life would become hell. He had JARVIS put on the Training Wheels protocol like he did with his adoptive son Peter, which restricted all the possibilities the suit could offer. He had you start with the very basics and only the simple moves for starting out. Soon enough, you and Tony would take midnight flights out in the suits, have you almost mastered the armor and its capabilities.

                     "Tony, please? Antman's cutie has one! She is the Wasp!"

                     "(Y/N), honey, I love ya, but this is a bit extreme."

                     "I promise to not fight in it or be seen and known by the media."


                    "Absolutely, so will you make me my own suit?"

                    "... Fine, come on let's get your measurements."

▸You ended up getting to know the Avengers quite well, as they had come over many times to Stark Tower. You hit it off instantly with them, with all the heroes having such unique and personable qualities, it was hard to not love them.

▸Tony suffered from severe PTSD and anxiety attacks, and when you first started to date him, handling these things was scary and a bit difficult, but as time passed, Tony relied on you more than ever as an anchor when his episodes hit. Sure, he was an amazing man with outstanding capabilities, but he was also human. Sometimes they would come out of nowhere, other times he would be working in his shop and when accidents happen, they can often trigger an attack. So with all your patience, love, and support you could give him, you helped bring Tony back and calm him down.  The Iron Man would often just lay snugly between your arms in a warm embrace, and you would stroke his hair and talk quietly to him until his breathing slowed and body relaxed.

▸Once you got really mad at Tony because was constantly going on missions and canceling nights that were very important to the both of you, of course you knew he was sorry and felt lousy about having to ditch you, but enough was enough. It had been months since you last got a simple meal with him, let alone a whole day, and you missed him horribly. After another lonely night alone, you attached you right-hand repulsor, and in essence of Carrie Underwood, fucked up his precious collector cars. And since that wasn't enough and in your passive aggressive nature, moved everything you could over about 5 inches to the left, just so he would run into them. The whole time JARVIS was breathing down your back and asking very concerning questions. Lesson learned, Tony needs to keep his significant other happy and his house wouldn't be in such shambles.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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